Commodore Amiga owners thread!

I have a CF card I tried getting WHDLoad onto it, I followed umpteen tutorials, of how to set the card up but I cannot do it, my Amiga 1200 has the Kickstart ROMS installed by myself.
Is the card accessible in Windows? If you can get WHDLoad to boot of the SD card and it runs fine then the issue will be with the Amiga end. If you can't get it into Windows then you need to get that working first.

I had WinUAE, and WHDLoad showed up, I followed this tutorial, or tried. It was getting everything working together, and games copied over etc I struggled with.

My mouse arrived today so I could finally actually use my Amiga. I played a game called Tanx, quite a fun artillary / wormsy shooter.

The power switch has failed on the monitor though; it will press in and out fine it just doesn't latch "on". Apparently this is quite common and a right pain to replace. I'm bodging it by wedging a business card in the button so it stays powered on. I've also got the Composite adapter thing too I can use.

I ordered a pre- "flashed for Amiga" Gotek for it too as the drive / disks only read half the time. I did try cleaning it whilst I had it all opened up but I couldn't really get in there properly.
To finish your Amiga setup get yourself a GVP Impact II hardrive. Best you can buy for the Amiga. Great for monkey island 2 and 11 disks as well as other games.

These sold for £400 way back in 1991
I wish I’d have kept all my Amiga hardware and software looking back.
After quite a lot of faffing my Amiga set up is finally ready to go!

The Gotek arrived ages ago, but the 44pin ribbon cable wasn't long enough to reach the drive (when its installed properly in the case). Another few days waiting...

In the mean time my Sega Master System pad arrived so I finally have an Amiga compatible joypad (which I prefer over joysticks). I did consider the CD32 6 button controllers but I understand few games will need the extra buttons on a stock A500.

Anyway the first game I'm trying out is Ambermoon? Why? No idea - I googled "best Amiga RPGs" and this had a recommendation and a catchy title. I'll give it a try and also Perihelion, for the same reason!



The screen looks very nice indeed with very vibrant colours. The image above looks a bit washed out but it's not like that in person...
Case printed for the imminent arrival of my Vampire V4 SA - will work on filling, sanding and painting over the weekend:-

I’ve had trouble printing that case. Do you change the orientation so it prints with the top on the bed?

Yes, that's what I've been doing. I've rotated them 180 degrees the use the settle function in windows 3d builder. Looks like the parts are inclined by 15 degrees. You still have to use supports for things like support holes though.
After quite a lot of faffing my Amiga set up is finally ready to go!

The Gotek arrived ages ago, but the 44pin ribbon cable wasn't long enough to reach the drive (when its installed properly in the case). Another few days waiting...

In the mean time my Sega Master System pad arrived so I finally have an Amiga compatible joypad (which I prefer over joysticks). I did consider the CD32 6 button controllers but I understand few games will need the extra buttons on a stock A500.

Anyway the first game I'm trying out is Ambermoon? Why? No idea - I googled "best Amiga RPGs" and this had a recommendation and a catchy title. I'll give it a try and also Perihelion, for the same reason!



The screen looks very nice indeed with very vibrant colours. The image above looks a bit washed out but it's not like that in person...

Sorry if a silly question - what device do you have in the disk drive - noticed the USB stick and the red led display.

It's a Gotek floppy emulator - the USB stick has about 40 floppy disks worth of games on it, but you can put thousands on. The Amiga just thinks a normal floppy drive is plugged in. I got it to avoid failing disks and disk drives and have one for my DOS PC as well.

They're one of the best "quality of life" improvements for retro gaming and I wouldn't be without one now! Nobody wants intermittent disk read failures.
It's a Gotek floppy emulator - the USB stick has about 40 floppy disks worth of games on it, but you can put thousands on. The Amiga just thinks a normal floppy drive is plugged in. I got it to avoid failing disks and disk drives and have one for my DOS PC as well.

They're one of the best "quality of life" improvements for retro gaming and I wouldn't be without one now! Nobody wants intermittent disk read failures.

Cheers - never seen one before! I've got an A500 plus I've had since 1993 that I occasionally get out to play on - can see how useful that would be (especially for games like Monkey Island 2).
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