Commodore Amiga owners thread!

21 Apr 2016
Oh Canada!
Did you own an Amiga? Let's talk about how awesome and ahead of its time the Amiga was, and how much better it was than the crummy Atari ST, its closest competitor.

I'm Canadian, and sadly, the Amiga was hardly a revered machine here. You UK folks are lucky to have had the spectacular run with the Amiga machines that you did.

I got my Amiga a little late in the game, in 1990. I got an Amiga 500 with the 512K RAM expansion along with a color Commodore monitor which if memory serves me right had a speaker built into it, a really terrible B/W dot matrix printer, a gravis gamepad, and two joysticks.

The Amiga bundle I got came with a bunch of games on diskette which if I recall correctly had sort of a gold colored label on them. It included titles such as Zany Golf and Ports of Call which were both awesome. I had some other games too like Wrath of the Demon and others. I got some games and programs from my school where we had an Amiga 2000: Duck Tales and Deluxe Paint III. Deluxe paint was fantastic for doing fun animations, although my 1MB of RAM meant I couldn't do overly long or complex ones like I could do at school, where the 2000 had more RAM and a hard drive.

Sadly, the main chain of stores my mom and I knew of for Amiga hardware and software, Compucentre, went out of business around 1992 or 1993, and I was left without any known sources to buy Amiga software. From time to time there would be some shareware bundles for $5 at local stores for the Amiga, but these were usually half-bummed efforts and I couldn't get any quality games.

I remember when my Amiga mouse stopped working in 1993 and my mom and I had to go through this whole saga to track down a new amiga compatible mouse.

Still, I really enjoyed my Amiga, and I occasionally fire up an emulated Ports of Call on my Windows machine to try to finally beat it. I've been within one point of beating it before but my save was corrupted.

Did you own an Amiga 500/600/1000/1200/2000/2500/3000/4000?
Do you still have it? Are you aware of the upgrade boards available such as the Vampire? Let's talk Amiga!
My brother had an Amiga 1200 and I had a 2000. I don't remember what happened to them but many hours were spent playing Civilization, Syndicate, Moonstone and of course, Xcom!

They were in use until 1998 when we got a PC.
Had an Amiga 1200 back in the day, don't think any game since has clocked up as many hours as Elite 2: Frontier. I even had the galaxy map pinned up on my wall.

Used to dream of owning a hard drive so that I could stop the insistent disk swapping of Monkey Island 2 or Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. :(
I still have two - A4000 with video toaster set up and an AmigaOne X1000. Hopefully should have an X5000 on the way soon.

Past machines include an A1200 that I towerised with an 030 accelerator, 32mb ram, 4gb hdd (later CompactFlash based disk) and CD writer. Also had a CDTV multimedia setup (with the black k/b, mouse, floppy disk drive and even a genlock) - wish I hadn't sold it but a guy from Norway offered £700 for it!
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Yup. Several now.

A1000 in storage that needs repairing, but is all original at this point. Still needs the kickstart floppy. Should try to find a 256kb upgrade for it. Make it the full half meg... ;)

A1200 towered with a 66mhz 060 and 32mb in it. Compact flash to ide adaptor accessible from the front with a few 4gb cards. Tempted to get a USB floppy drive emulator for it just for the games that can't run from HDD. Also have a PPC 603e card too, but it's not great for normal use.

A4000T 040 25mhz. 16mb on the motherboard. Pretty much stock apart from that. Also boxed.

Monitor wise, a couple of 1084S. The nice and common screen. Need something larger for the A4000 and A1200 really.

Also have a CD32 with a SX32 screwed into the back of it. No idea why I got the SX32 really, but it was cheap. :D
I had an A500+ and a A1200 (I think it was). Absolutely loved them both. Wonderful machines. Deluxe Paint was astounding. I also used mine for desktop publishing, wish I could remember the name of the software, and lots of games. I used to love the huge software boxes, with massive, glossy manuals. There really is nothing like it is there. So many good times and memories. I remember getting my hands of a Action Replay cartridge. A ROM box that you plugged in to the back of the machine. It was ace.
I loved the 500 and enjoyed laughing at ST owners with the best of them.
I have to say though, shadow of the beast was utter rubbish.

p.s. best thread ever.
My Amiga story.........

I had strap in Dixons an wanted a Amiga but they had sold out of the cartoon classics packs and had none in stock.

Me being an impatient teenager purchased a Atari 520ste! :(

Well after owning that for a few years I eventually got an Amiga 600, oh what a ball ache that was, no key pad having to use kick disks for older game. Pain in the arse to say the least. :mad:

Then I got a Amiga 1200 and spent days and months in Frontier Elite 2, that was some game for its time. :cool:
Very odd timing, I was at my mums just the other weekend and cleared this out the loft (still have everything in the box, gonna try firing it up soon).
I had an A500 with GVP accelerator and later an A1200. I loved that period of my life and still look back with fondness.

Carrier Command
Dungeon Master
Eye of the Beholder
Shadow of the Beast
Canon Fodder
Alien Breed
Monkey Island
Stunt Car Racer
Chaos Engine
Mega lo Mania
Super Stardust
Hired Guns

I'm sure I'll remember a few more when I'm sober...
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