Commodore Amiga owners thread!

Oh man, I LOVE this thread. Brings back so many fantastic memories. I feel lucky to have experienced the Amiga when it was first out. I wish I had my one still. I think my dad sold it :(
Moonstone is such a classic so here is some fresh pics and yes that's the rare map ;)



I was a little kid in my early Amiga days so boxed game was costly at the time for me.
It was more like if I spotted a game at a discounted price I was interested in, I would swoop in before anyone else could! :p

I had friends with Amiga's and several gaming shops here back then so plenty of hunting around for gems when I was out shopping with my parents :D
Wow! Just wow. That collection of yours NinjaCool must be worth a fortune.

I have bad luck with collections. I had almost every Action Man kit and man, from the early 80s. But I played with the stuff a lot, and never had the foresight to keep the boxes etc. I also had almost every Star Wars figure from the early 80s (which I traded for the Action Man). I still have the Mil Falcon mind you. I don't know what happened to the Action Man stuff :( Again, another disappearing set of toys. Somehow think they ended up in the bin :(
That moonstone map are manual are fantastic!
Though the map looks way too nice and colourful. Moonstone was such a dark game, right from the intro to the ending.
The Mudmen screams when they took you underground I still remember from childhood :eek:
Its quite similar in a way to Shadow of the beast, only with good gameplay! SOTB was a terrible game really - just mindblowing music and graphics at the time

edit - @NinjaCool do you have other photos of the aliend breed tower assault box & manual. That was one of my favourite game.
I cant believe I took my Amiga 500+, 1mb upgrade and all the boxed games to the carboot in about 2001.
The boxed games sold for around 50p and Amiga I think it sold as a bundle with 10 odd games for £30. No-one wanted them in the early 2000s but now some of my games are like hens teeth.
Some boxed games I remember having are Zool with an anti-piracy wheel, Nebulus, Leander, Turrican I & II, Gods, Lemmings, Sensible soccer, Death mask, Chaos engine, Cannon fodder, Dizzy fantasy world, Bubble bobble, Amiga power collection, Amiga hollywood collection, Risky Woods
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I remember one of my friends also got an A500+ in 92 with the red loading light I thought was cool.
I was still on my A500 with KS v1.3 but I think I upgraded it with 1MB ram that year and later added an external disk drive that was helpful with the increasingly disk swapping and copying disks :D

Many sold their Amiga’s here too, including my friends in around 1995/96 because Commodore and Escom who bought them went bust so they wanted a PC with Win95.
I got a PC myself in 1996 but kept my Amiga’s so I remember that year had some big PC game releases.
Games like C&C Red Alert, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Warcraft 2 and Diablo arrived on the scene.

Besides local listings I later bought some Amiga games on ebay in 2005-2006 and back then things were definitely cheaper in the retro scene compared to the last couple of years.

The Alien Breed series was one of my favorites too and I had great fun playing it with friends!
I will see if I can find a pic or take new ones tomorrow but my copy is the CD32 version, though the content should be the same besides the Disk/CD.
I had almost every Action Man kit and man, from the early 80s. But I played with the stuff a lot, and never had the foresight to keep the boxes etc.
I also had almost every Star Wars figure from the early 80s (which I traded for the Action Man). I still have the Mil Falcon mind you. I don't know what happened to the Action Man stuff :(
Again, another disappearing set of toys. Somehow think they ended up in the bin :(
I had the TMNT Turtle Party Wagon from 89 (I think it’s still around packed away) and some turtles figures.
I also had a few He-Man action figures, some Jurassic toys like a Stegosaurus, T-Rex, a few sports cars, plus a bunch of Lego and those tiny green plastic soldiers that you could create big armies with :p
Oh and a white RC Racer my parents bought me in the late 80ties that I really liked as a kid to drive around with outside and race with another kids RC Racer from the neighborhood.
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I had He-Man and Skeletor and a few of the peripheral figures. Loved them! I used to collect a whole load of 1/72 scale plastic soldiers because I liked to (try) and paint them. I also made models and scenarios using chipboard and stuff, before moving on to Hornby when I was a bit older. Then it was train sets, but that became an expensive hobby.
I was browsing through some old Amiga mags and happen to run into the Alien Breed: TA review so here it is :D

Amiga CD32 Gamer Dec 1994 AB:TA & AB2 Review

**Save on HD for full size**


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Thanks so much for sharing all that. I used to enjoy reading a few mags when they were proper full of stuff. PC Gamer, PC Zone, and sometimes PC Format. I cant remember the names of the Amiga mag I used to read before? Commodore User/Amiga User maybe?
No problem Philstanbridge and Guest2, only happy to share!
I used to have a monthly subscription for a local Amiga mag in the later Amiga days that came with a free disk, followed up with a PC mag.

Here is a little Amiga story from my younger days :)
Someone threw their collection of around 40 mixed Amiga Format, CU, ACE, FORCE and ZERO magazines ranging from 1990-1995 out in a big open trash container in 1995.

I was with a friend walking down a side road and must have discovered them being dumped shortly afterwards because they were all in nice shape and luckily had been throw on top of a bunch of clean trash bags in a corner.
There was so much good reading material in those Amiga mags that even today, I still read them occasionally along with my own bought Amiga/PC mags over the years.

Saved these 2 from that trash container :D

Besides the reviews I loved seeing the artwork for the games too!

All are from those Amiga Format and Force mags I just showed.
**Save to HD for Big Picture**



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Speaking of Amiga mags, since the Amiga CD32 had no ability to connect a disk drive until later hardware expansions arrived, mags like CD32 Gamer was a great source for getting games to play with.

Here is my Vol.1 CD

CD32 Gamer also had 3 full version games between 1994/95 in their special issue magazines
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You've done really well to keep the stuff in top condition. I was quite surprised to see the magazine costing £6 though. It just brings back so many memories for me. I think the biggest add-on for me was the purchase of the Special Reserve Action Replay cartridge which I plugged in to the back (I think!). I spent many hours dabbling with that, editing ASCII, cheating in games, etc etc.
Not everything is in nice condition but I guess I was never rough with most of my stuff as a kid.
The mag costing £6 is probably because of the included CD being more expensive to make and having a lot more stuff on it vs the single 880KB floppy disks in other mags.

I never had an Action Replay cartridge but I did dab in creating music with ProTracker in the late Amiga years.
I got more serious with the music part on the PC, starting a little group online, releasing music tracks and entering online competitions in 1999-2000 using mostly the program Modplug Tracker :)
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I think CD32 owners back in the day, especially kids that only had this to play with generally didn't own many games.
CD based games were more expensive vs their disk counterparts and there was no affording a CD burner until years later.

The CD32 came bundled with a Diggers/Oscar CD at launch and shortly after Amiga even decided to add a third game to the bundle.
Sounds great but the problem was Dangerous Streets was their pick and that's really a subpar fighting game with low review scores.

You really needed to pick the right games as a kid back then and I think if you bought any of these 6 games below, you picked right :)
Most of these games had some enhancements like CD audio and Alien Breed TA even featured a full motion video intro and Alien Breed 2 as a bonus.
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