Community ! Can't believe there isn't a thread.

Can't wait to watch it but Fridays are TV series overload days now so I have a lot to see!
Jeff looked like a ****ing boss in those shades! My reaction was pretty much the same as Dean Pelton's! :cool:
Got a laserquest session next weekend and it's fancy dress themed. I want to go as batman Abed, where can I get the mask!
Another good episode. The fact that they were wishing each other Happy New Year was a bit jarring at first, just goes to show how they completely messed up the broadcast schedule for this. :(
Been enjoying this for the past few months, but thought it had been canned due to the gap! Good to know it's just a break. Love the characters. Wouldn't Chang anything.
I'd be gutted if Chase left..

Chevy Chase and television boss Don Harmon are thought to be in the middle of a bitter argument that could see the actor leave the hit show Community.
An audio recording of Chase spouting profanities aimed at the creator of the series has gone viral after the voicemail was played out in front of a room full of people.
The 68-year-old revealed he didn’t mind what he was about to say being shared with their colleagues after Harmon apparently humiliated him in front of his family.
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