Company of Heroes 3

Played for 5 mins earlier... Feels like CoH1 in a desert so far. Wasn't expecting to be blown away but can't help but feel a little underwhelmed given its 2023. £29 from cdkeys.
Yeah it's a thumbs down for me, just feels...meh and incomplete, lacks polish.
Campaign map is rubbish.

Also never seen the point in tactical pauses's a RTS not a turn based game.

Such a shame
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Played 3.5hrs and had my first random crash. Not had a game crash in yonks so was quite surprised. Submitted the bug report anyway. Also have a weird issue where my mouse pointer will disappear so have to alt+tab out and back in for it to show. The large scale map where you're outside of battles is a too clunky for my liking. And my number one hate at the moment is the damn HUD. Why is it so large! It takes up so much screen space and there doesn't appear to be anyway to shrink the UI or minimise sections. Tactical pause is interesting but I find myself using it just to catch a breath. I like to read things and understand the differences but stuff happens so fast you can't read things clearly. I find sometimes I'm just randomly spamming units with no real understanding.
Love it when tanks just have to go into close combat like they are some kind of 40k leman Russ with a commissar and chainsaw screaming out of the hatch..

I think I know why it may have crashed. I updated the AMD drivers and did not reload my undervolt profile. So I was seeing 100ºC and massive power draw. Reloaded the profle, much better. :cool:

That's with a -5% power limit and -50mv on GPU voltage. Quite amazing the difference it makes.


There's no campaign auto save after you finish a mission!!!

What the actual ****?!

This, what the hell lol. Did 2/3 to re-learn the ropes earlier, got 20 mins to wait for a friend to play co-op so thought I'd jump back in... nope, start from the beginning.
This, what the hell lol. Did 2/3 to re-learn the ropes earlier, got 20 mins to wait for a friend to play co-op so thought I'd jump back in... nope, start from the beginning.

Seems on the Italy campaign when you get to the map campaign they have added auto save after events happen. Which is a good start.
I've played a few hours after getting it free via AMD Rewards. It has been a long time since I played an RTS. I'm quite enjoying it so far.
I'm nearing the end óf the main campaign, its been ok, the more I played it the more it felt like CoH but I must say the AI is terrible, I'm close to the end and I havent lost a single battle yet.
I play this with a friend in co-op against AI and generally enjoy it. It's little more than COH1 with multiplayer servers which are turned on, but enjoyable nonetheless. Zero desire to play it single player though
Company of Heroes 1 and the expansions is one of my fave all time games ever. I could not stand Coh 2. I don't care if you can mod it, I hated it. I do have Coh3 and suprisingly I like it more than Coh 2. All I need is C+C generals/zero hour and C and C3 with the scrin as I loved that faction for a remake and will be happy as a pig in poo. Although they could redo CoH1 with all this fancy RTX/ HDR and Dlss3 and using a graphics engine more up to date.
Now that the dust has truly settled what's everyone's feedback on this as I'm looking to pick this up? Played CoH 1 and 2 and fancied a go at the newest one.
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