For future image comps I'd suggest emailing them in & then showing a gallery `after` the result, so nobody gets the accusational finger pointed at them.
Anyone can google 'photoshop ice tutorials' can crank out the same crap Narziss did.
TBH mate I would have won if I was allowed to enter and you wouldn't have stood a chance. Just look at my work.
Nikeair94 I created that piece of art 3 months ago in anticipation.
I am the 1%.
Excellent news! I am absolutely stoked and look forward to an upgrade
Kudos to all the other competitors.
The Winner of course and the 3 runners up (in no particular order) Always wanted to say that
a good array of high quality pictures would have helped a lotOCUK staff - I have no complaints about the winner in the slightest. I agree that it is the best here.
However, next time you do something like this, can you please pull your finger out and post some real reference images for us to use? The ones you posted were either;
a) At different angles
b) With poor colour adjustment (remnants of blue for example)
c) Different sizes and resolutions
...and even the ones antec posted were in a colour which as far as I'm aware isn't even available.
You'd have far more entries if you did that.