COMPETITION - Design a System Landing Page for the new Antec Custom Cases - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Well done! Great design and a worthy winner I think.

As above, let us know what you decide to do with it, you could get all kinds of awesome stuff from OcUK!
Well done Narziss, worthy winner.

Shame about ****y britches, at least he's banned now.

For future image comps I'd suggest emailing them in & then showing a gallery `after` the result, so nobody gets the accusational finger pointed at them.
Congratulations Narziss. :) That was an excellent entry.

I'm not at all surprised by 1LANCS's behaviour. He was deservedly banned from another forum I frequent some time ago.
Don't know what 1LANCS was on about, mine was clearly the best entry... !


Well done Narziss ;)
TBH mate I would have won if I was allowed to enter and you wouldn't have stood a chance. Just look at my work.


Omg, you used the colour blue and green in your entry, that is clearly a 100% rip off of 1LANCS work and his layout.

In seriousness though, I wish 1LANCS put his entry in last just to show that little to nothing was copied off him.

Anyone who layed out the prices side by side he accused of 'stealing his layout'. Does he think he owns the side by side layout or something? About 100% of retailers use a side by side layout at some point, he needs to get over himself.

Also, congratulations to Narziss, I can easily say the best design won. (Apart from mine of course ;))

Also, can we have more competitions like this? I love it when you have to work a little for an entry, especially if it is related to Photoshop.
1LANCS is such a ****, his comments did make me lol though. Narziss was a worthy winner, if I was a judge I would have been split between narziss and gords design. Well done narziss!
Excellent news! I am absolutely stoked and look forward to an upgrade :)

Kudos to all the other competitors.

EDIT... Email sent as requested.
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OCUK staff - I have no complaints about the winner in the slightest. I agree that it is the best here.

However, next time you do something like this, can you please pull your finger out and post some real reference images for us to use? The ones you posted were either;

a) At different angles
b) With poor colour adjustment (remnants of blue for example)
c) Different sizes and resolutions

...and even the ones antec posted were in a colour which as far as I'm aware isn't even available.

You'd have far more entries if you did that.
congratulations Narziss

really wish i had the skills to enter these comps, but sadly i can barely even draw a straight line on photoshop...but what ya gonna do :(
I know I'm a little late to the party but I wish to congratulate Narziss on a very clean looking and professional design. It had style and it sold the product, and that is what you guys wanted in the end.

Also 1Lancs provided lols. No sensible graphics designer enters a competition for the prize, you do it for fun. Now I may not be a professional graphics designer as I do something else for a living. I just enter competitions to hone my skill, make something interesting. If it has a prize attached, well that is always nice but not necessary. Personally criticism has helped me come a long when when I was a kid and started copying tutorials and producing quite some awful stuff. However it has led me to improve over the years. Just wanted to share that even though he went full derp and got banned.

Wow cool I did not end up seeing myself in the top 4, especially since I felt I focused too much on the stylization and too little on the sales pitch. I really liked gord's one as well, very nice stylization and use of dynamic design.
OCUK staff - I have no complaints about the winner in the slightest. I agree that it is the best here.

However, next time you do something like this, can you please pull your finger out and post some real reference images for us to use? The ones you posted were either;

a) At different angles
b) With poor colour adjustment (remnants of blue for example)
c) Different sizes and resolutions

...and even the ones antec posted were in a colour which as far as I'm aware isn't even available.

You'd have far more entries if you did that.
a good array of high quality pictures would have helped a lot
Please can the OP be edited to show the winners work its hard work wading through all the troll blood and broken keyboards to find the winning work :P
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