COMPETITION - Design a System Landing Page for the new Antec Custom Cases - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

How did you get that reflection effect under the case lancs? I've been trying to do it but I keep failing, probably something basic I'm missing.
How did you get that reflection effect under the case lancs? I've been trying to do it but I keep failing, probably something basic I'm missing.
Copy the case to a new layer, flip the case vertical and move it down so the bottom most pixels touch each other.

Then create a selection for half of the case, press Control + T then hold Control and drag the little box on the left hand side and drag it upwards so the corner touches, press enter then do the same for the other side.

Then select the lasso tool and set feather to 10-15 pixels, draw a selection then press delete, then lower the opacity of the layer till you get your desired reflection.
is there any age limit on these competitions? i'm 16 and if i can find the time amongst various college assignments, i'll give it a stab :p
C-C-Cold? I wasn't aware we had Gareth Gates on the forum :p

Some people are gonna think I've been ripping off their ideas soon since my WIP has the cases siting on disks like yours, reflections like lancs, outlines like someone else did and buy now icons like someone else. Oh god :o
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C-C-Cold? I wasn't aware we had Gareth Gates on the forum :p

Some people are gonna think I've been ripping off their ideas soon since my WIP has the cases siting on disks like yours, reflections like lancs, outlines like someone else did and buy now icons like someone else. Oh god :o

Using discs underneath and reflections isn't stealing. Go right ahead. Some people just don't like competition and when they feel threatened lash out with defamation. Its not like anyone has a copyright on discs, reflections etc so go ahead. :)
Using discs underneath and reflections isn't stealing. Go right ahead. Some people just don't like competition and when they feel threatened lash out with defamation. Its not like anyone has a copyright on discs, reflections etc so go ahead. :)
Of course its not stealing.

I could wait till the last day of the competition, read all the replies by OCUK staff on which designs they liked, i could then take all those designs and implement all those ideas into the design and go on to win the competition despite not putting in any of the creativity and effort myself, do you think thats right?

The whole point of a design competition is to come up with your own ideas, not take which ones you like from someone else.
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Of course its not stealing.

I could wait till the last day of the competition, read all the replies by OCUK staff on which designs they liked, i could then take all those designs and implement all those ideas into the design and go on to win the competition despite not putting in any of the creativity and effort myself, do you think thats right?

I feel like you have something to say or have said it but I can't see it due to posts being deleted.
Apparently its allowed to steal other peoples ideas like above, so steal away.

Using discs underneath and reflections isn't stealing. Go right ahead. Some people just don't like competition and when they feel threatened lash out with defamation. Its not like anyone has a copyright on discs, reflections etc so go ahead. :)

I actually did my design for mine on the first day, just refining it and changing it about, but haven't posted it yet. I guess you'll see what I mean when I put it up. I don't want people to think I've chiefed their ideas though, when I haven't, well except your reflections, Lancs. I did plan to have reflections anyway but couldn't get the right effect.
Haha its ok, i wouldnt have shared how I did the reflections otherwise, i just take exception to people taking things they like from designs.
If anyone knows JavaScript or PHP they could do a neat little interactive UI where hovering over, say a fan colour will change the colour of the case in the image.

Just a suggestion. :)
Yeah like this one I already posted :P
(that's why it's appearing in other designs)

Added bonus that you can click to go directly to the product page for that colour.

clicky clicky (not the final submission)

Still unfinished obvo, but why choose an image when you can have one that's already coded.. when I'm done it'll be a copy/paste job to get it on the site.
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that's pretty cool - the shopping trolley icon is best btw (and it matches the site)

could use a bit more border around the text at the top
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