Competition to win an exclusive Overclockers UK Goodie Bag!

Hmm.. give me a little while more.. I'm just on the phone to ILM to borrow some render time on their server farms.. figure that will help

Wish I could do that! I spend my day rendering my designs, which leaves so little room and time for improvement :(
A little 640x480 render takes over 2 hours! I'd like to see what you come up with.
I definitely don't envy the people doing it in 3D design programs that is mental. Might try to learn how to use them though. Designs coming out of them are good :D
These should all be put into a Windows 7 theme :)

Thats a great idea. I can see some of these going on desktops around here before long.
Tempted to have a try at making a wallpaper myself (obviously not entering competition as staff, just for fun), but seeing the competition here I'm totally outclassed.

Good luck to you all.
Thats a great idea. I can see some of these going on desktops around here before long.
Tempted to have a try at making a wallpaper myself (obviously not entering competition as staff, just for fun), but seeing the competition here I'm totally outclassed.

Good luck to you all.

I don't like OcUK staff using our regular people avatars... It makes you seem almost... human?
Thats a great idea. I can see some of these going on desktops around here before long.

I'm not sure if mine already have. I checked megaupload a few hours after I uploaded my designs 1080p JPEG and it says 17 downloads! :eek:
I would like to see more entries though!
Do you think I should upload mine one at a time as I make them, or wait until I have completely run out of ideas and upload them all in one go?
As a lot of us overclockers like to be on water - I thought it only appropriate. For some reaosn, the quality has come out worse than my others (only in the upload), If this image wins, then Ill be sure to send the image via email to ensure the best quality, don't know why it won't come out as clear as it does on my PC though after uploading


Full size - betrter quality link:
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Dont wanna give all my secrets away!!!!!!!!!!!

Basically using stained glass filter. Create a new layer, then use stained glass filter change the cell size to smaller, create another layer again stained glass filter then change opacity on top layer to 50%, merge layers, add noise, etc.. etc..
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