If you're using 3DS MAX, I'll give you some pointers.
1. Set the OCUK Logo image as the viewport background.
Simply goto Views>Viewport Background>Viewport Background or press ALT+B. Select the location of your image by clicking files. Then tick 'Hold Before Start' and 'Match Bitmap', 'All Views' and 'Lock Pan & Zoom'.
2. Using splines, draw around each part of the OCUK Gauge.
To do this, go to your top viewport and maximize this viewport. Then go to the shapes tab (next to geometry and lights) and select the line tool. Before drawing lines, set the tool parameters to corner and corner respectively.
Now, draw around each individual segment of the logo using the line tool, keeping to the shape and contour. When the end of the line reaches the beginning it will ask to merge lines. Tick yes. Repeat for every segment.
3. To make 3D convert each segment to editable polygon.
Holding CTRL select all segments of your OCUK logo. Right click and select convert to editable poly.
NOW: Select one of the segments and select the modify tab and navigate to the polygon selection tool (red square). Then select the face of the segment and click the extrude tool. Set it as you like.
Repeat the process for each individual segment of logo.
Once this is done, select all of your segments and navigate back to modify, in the drop down list, select 'cap holes'. This will close all of the rear open polygons of each segment.
All done!