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I want to win the NZXT S340 because I need a case that can fit my hardware in properly, got a case from 2004 and has seen better days! with 2 x Samsung evos just resting on their sides due to the gpu taking up too much space and my PC needs a new home! I may even do a little project log while changing everything over as well!
I want to win the NZXT S340 because my son is always on my computer playing games and its about time i started making his own machine, keep mine free for me to use ;)
http://postimg.org/image/wicftqra7/ my rig. if i win i will build my son a custom rig as well. if i win it will kickstart my new project ;)
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I want to win the NZXT s340 because my PC needs a new house to live in!

It's old house is 10 years old, came free with the desktop setup was non branded with no airflow and no space to put anything. My KFA2 680 LTD can fit only if i bend some parts in the case and sounds like an airplane when playing so had to go back to my MSI 470.Help me OCUKenobi you're my only hope...

Here is the house of my PC currently
I want to win the NZXT s340 because it would save me 5 years on my life, probably stop the hair loss and mean I could stop taking the citalopram. You see, I'm no good with choices, as can be seen by my forum posts, so having a case given would remove the stresses!

Then all I need to do is remove the wife, 5 children, 2 dogs and 5 terrapins and my life would be so much easier! :D
I want to win the NZXT S340 because…

... It looks gurt lush, and I currently have a fugly budget case that I inherited with the rest of my PC, and it's making the living room look untidy :p
I want to win the NZXT S340 because I am looking to downsize from a HAF XM and love the direction NZXT have gone regarding design the last few years.
I want to win the NZXT S340 because it's beautiful and beauty needs to be admired and put on display for all to see - on my desk!
I want to win the NZXT S340 because ive been looking to build a new PC and this will give me a reason to actually go out and build one!
I want to win the NZXT S340 because I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for more, I can tell you I don't have a real reason. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let me win the NZXT S340, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will spend all day spouting random movie quotes at you.
I want to win the NZXT S340 because my trusty old NZXT M59 has very little room for all the upgrades I have planned in the coming year. It has served its purpose by assisting with my first exploration into overclocking and modding.
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