haha cheers. I fear I may be asking many questions over the next couple of days!
Firstyl, congrats on the new job
You're about to embark on a very smart career move, imo. Windows administrators are two-a-penny, which is why average salaries for Windows 'experts' are comparatively lower than Linux / Unix experienced IT people.
If you find you need an answer to something quickly, then I can recommend posting your Linux questions over at
www.linuxquestions.org - they're a very friendly bunch and it has a large audience so you're likely to get a response sooner than you would on here..... that's not to say that we're not a friendly or useful bunch (especially BTI..... where has he gone?), but sometimes there's a few hours where posts go unanswered.
If you're really new to Linux then I would suggest setting up a folder called Linux in your bookmarks in your browser, as there are plenty of resources online and it's easy to lose track of them.
Some that spring to mind for you to start with - I hope you like reading
The Linux Documentation Project -
http://tldp.org (check out the
Introduction to Linux - a Hands On Guide)
If you're feeling up to it, then the Gentoo Handbook is a brilliant source of information - even if you're not going to use Gentoo as your distro of choice, I find they explain the general concepts very well, and it's easy enough to learn the differences between Gentoo and whatever distro you choose once you've got your head around the concept.
The Gentoo Handbook.
The Linux Reference Guide - print this out and keep it nearby, as it'll be useful.
College @ Home - open courseware on Linux...
Tux Training - this site is a bit cluttered, imo.
Linux Folder Structure... learn this now, it'll save you some headaches later.
That should keep you busy for a while
edit: also, if you use StumbleUpon then there are plenty of Linux resources on there... just do a search for Linux.