Completed Overclock (What You Guys Think)

Stanley Cooper said:

I'm glad it's not just me that's having problems with prime95.

To be honest, It's not a problem with Prime95, it's your clock that is not stable :)

you should be able to clock it a bit even with stock cooling, keep an eye on he temps to be sure.
No it is me...i wrote in the 1/2 symbol as a way of saying i changed it from the standard 400Mhz to the 200Mhz divider...didn't know the actually symbol to use...think its 1/01 or something like that....i'm stupid lol :rolleyes:
Chaos_Darklight said:
A8N-SLI Primium

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Dieago Clocked @ 2.92Ghz

CPU Frequency 290
CPU Voltage (Vcore) 1.475v
Hyper Thransport Frequency X3
CPU Multi X10

GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) DDR PC3200 CAS3 Divided 266Mhz
DDR Voltage 2.80V

2 Point OF View 7800GT's clocked At Core Clock 451Mhz Memory Clock 1100Ghz

Creative Fatlity X-Fi Sound Card 64 X-Ram

3DMark05 Score = 12,062

This is the first ever attempt at Overclocking for me. Although this may not be this PC's limit it has all been done on Standard seems to run stable through out the 3Dmark05 tests and whilst playing F.E.A.R!

I'm open to all sorts of comments, good or please feel free,


sweet overclock, now kick ass on CS: source with HDR :D
I know this is a bit of an aside but I'm sure your board could handle a HTT of x4 without any complaints (HTT will only be 1160 after all)

1160MHz is too high for the HTT. People shouted at me when I said 1020MHz wasn't too high. :p

It corrupts bootup files if it is too high, and it makes very little/no difference anyway.

If you aren't receiving BSODs anymore and no problems like crashing yet still fail Prime95, try S&M, much better stability tester. If that gives you errors as well, you should probably think about reducing the overclock a bit or increasing voltages. :)
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