Computer restarts on "some" games

6 Aug 2018

Hello, first post here as I am at a loss as to what is happening.
All was fine, I was playing heroes of the storm on a quite old machine with a EVGA GTX 970SC and things were running fine.
I have since upgraded most parts but with the same graphics card and same HDD now I can play heroes of the storm for roughly three seconds before the computer restarts itself, idle seems to be fine.. world of Warcraft seems to be fine, at a bit of a loss whats happening...
I believe the fans on the evga start to spin around 60c and this is around the time the computer restarts.
CPU idle temp is around 26c and GPU idle temp is 35c.

I got two fans bringing in air on the front, one exhausting air on the back, and the fans on the radiator blow out through the radiator out the top. (ive tried to do an airflow diagram up top)
anyone got any ideas?
Hi and welcome to the forums :)

Could you list the rest of your spec (including power supply) and let us know what you upgraded and what you've kept?

hello :)
MB - asus rog strix 350-f (second hand) (not used on old machine)
CPU - amd ryzen 5 1600x (new)
RAM - ballistix ddr4 2400 4gb (new)
GPU - evga GeForce gtx 970 sc (second hand) (used on old machine)
HDD - 2x old Seagate and hitachi (second hand) (used on old machine)
PSU - powercool x viper 550w (second hand) (used on old machine)
CASE - corsair carbide air 540 (second hand) (used on old machine)
CPU COOLER - coolermaster ml240r (new)
CASE FANS - be quiet shadow wings (second hand) (used on old machine)

just played wow window mode (so I could see monitors) and GPU got to 70c but seemed fine, played heroes of the storm windowed (so I could see monitors) and got to about 68c and managed to play a lot longer than normal, maybe even 5min of game time but then it restarted :(
also I have the fans running at full speed on the case now so the be quiets aren't very quiet haha
Can you try running a stablity test on your CPU & GPU to give some more information as to the fault.
Are there any BSOD codes?
Does it switch off or just restart?
You can check event viewer in windows to see if there any indications

hello, sorry I'm not sure what BSOD codes are... I'm just getting back into computers again,
It fully restarts no blue screen for error codes or anything.
I did just now as it happened and there's critical kernel-power 41 "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly."
I can see logs of that event from every time it has happened.
I just bumped the graphics settings down to low and removed the HDD with nothing on it and it let me play for about 30mins...???? but yeah then restarted.

clicked details on the event, not sure if this means anything or helps?
- System
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41
Version 6
Level 1
Task 63
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x8000400000000002
- TimeCreated
[ SystemTime] 2018-08-06T13:00:50.841843200Z
EventRecordID 2078
[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8
Channel System
- Security
[ UserID] S-1-5-18
- EventData
BugcheckParameter1 0x0
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 0
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 0
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 0
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI false
CheckpointStatus 0
No worries dude, any time. run a stress test just do 15 mins to begin with, it tests both cpu and gpu, can untick the gpu when the window pops up, if you need to just test only the CPU.
argh. so, in the left side it states not enough ram for the realbench bench mark and when I click start on stress test nothing seems to happen...
so I downloaded 3dmark (free) so I cant do a stress test but I got 3 819 IN Time Spy (V1.0) no crashes or restarts...

You should be able to run stress test on RB, select the amount of ram you have and wait till the system info populates in the window then click Stress, then click the start button down below, it will not appear until its ready.
haha ok I just tried again and then it said "not enough ram, install more memory" or something along those lines!
I'm at a bit of a loss mate :confused:
think its a job for a computer shop to work out? know any good ones in Glasgow? (not been up here long)
Remember and make sure its either the same spec as your 4gb stick, or may need to get 2x4gb matched sticks.

OK so new 600w power supply arrived today and along with another 4gb ram (exactly the same as the other)
Power going to MB as the lights on but when I press the on button it flashes for a second and I see a little... Dimming of the rgb fans for a split second looking like they want to spin but nothing... Not turning on now :( any suggestions?

###EDIT### so I'd left one sata cable in there since the psu was semi modular and it was nice and tidy (cable tied away) but I decided to change it and then suddenly my computer sprang to life on the next power on, ran stress test successfully watched the cpu load and the gpu load stay at 100% and gpu temp around 70c no crashes :) played the game it usually restarts during on "extreme" graphics and managed to get a whole game done without any problems :) don't want to jump the gun but this issue may be sorted now!
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