Computers in cars....

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
As some of you may have guessed from the Skyline thread, I HATE having control of the car taken away from me and handed onto computers.

Given half a chance - any car I buy will NOT have:

Traction Control
Power Steering *and power assisted*
Active Yaw Control
Why do I need a seat that adjusts electronically?
Flappy bloody paddle gearboxes *only driven 1 car with one fo these that works properly - and that wasn't road legal*
active...blah blah blah...

The only computer I want is in the MP3 player..if that

I want a physical connection between the steering wheel and the steering rack.

I want my braking to be uninterferred with by computers say I can't break that hard.

I'm proposing a Campaign for real cars.

Wheels, seat, arse type things.

Aerial Atom - two thumbs up.
Lotus Elise and Exige- two thumbs up.
Radical - two thumbs up.
Escort Mk 2 - two thumbs up.
Lancia Stratos - two thumbs up.

One day the manafacturers are going to relaise that people WANT cars like these and actually make more of them.

Having been in high performance cars when the electronics systems fail - it's not a pretty experience. Imaging having your ability to steer cut in half, braking ability cut dramatically.

Ok..I freely admit that if there's someone who doesn't know how to drive then the electronics tend to be required as they really don't know how to use thir car.

Yet another reason why Pass Plus should be compulsory - or even make the test include some skid pan time or something like that.

Sorry...rant over..

I get what you're saying Flibster but unfortunately its not what the majority of people want at all. Enthusiasts want their cars the way you have described, 95% of people however use a car to go from A-B to keep the rain off their heads and carry a million children. Those are the buyers that dictate the market and believe the more gadgets and gizmos that take away the work from their brains the that they can concentrate on other things other than driving, and have no fear of an accident because theres now a big soft pillow that jumps out of the steering wheel in the event of a crash. They are percieved safety features and they are what sells a motor.
Seems a bit weird to me though as two cars that I think would only be owned by enthusiasts - Evo and the Skyline put more than any other car I have seen into keeping it under computer control.
And are also two of the nicest 'fast' cars to drive...

Top Gear put the Evo with all it's computer aid against a 19080 Audi 80 Rally spec and it trounced it. I don't mind computer intervention if it's actually going to make me quicker in the real world.

Gary A
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Skyline is far worse for that, earlier evo's had purely mechanical diffs, then 4-6 only had AYC the rest of the diffs were mechanical. Even then you could get versions that didn't have it and just had normal mechanical rear diff.
I think they are all usefull driver aids. Maybe you should start a campaign to get manufacturers to give you full control over which systems if any are active?
sorry but I cant live with out them. I dont drive but my stepdads car has everything, ABS, Traction Control, Electric heated seats, powder steering, electric mirrors and windows etc.....

And I love them, its the best car we have every had:) "Vauxhall Omega Deluxe"
Flibster, most of these functions have an 'off' button.

I think you are a hypocrit, given you drive around day to day in a power assisted, ABS fitted car with electric windows...
traction control with a button is okay, power steering is okay...abs is okay...

rest = im not sure but would be nice to have an on off button.

but at the end of the day these cars arent your 90bhp motors, and i bet even with TC can still spin the wheels quite easily...
I'm kinda in some agreement, driver aids lead people (some people) to believe that whatever they do they will be safe - which is why people decided to sit 3" from your rear bumper because they have ABS....they drive at 3000 mph in snow/ice because they have traction control....and they try to park in spaces half the size of their car because they have PAS.
sounds like you wanna drive a mini:D

I loved not having fancy electronics but also dont mind things like electronic windows, power steering and electric seats. Why not? It's just so much easier and more comfortable. I can understand what you mean about traction control and ABS i guess though.
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