Conan Exiles

Honestly, this gets boring. Too think of it as an actual game is wrong, but then again, it is an actual game. Too much going on at funcom.... Again. They made that mistake with AOC, and what's the point in Rereleasing TSW??? Gosh.

People say wait for release, I honestly think I will from now on. I had a lot of fun for a week, but after that it was really really boring
New informative video from the devs regarding the whole EA/Full release scheduling and what to expect in the future updates, patches and fixes. Some amazing ideas here, it's very light on content at the moment, but looking great for the future.

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Hi guys,

A quick plug for my PvE server if your interested,

Ragnar's Realm, UK based, faster gathering and levelling and a host of mods installed, its a great Sandbox environment at the moment.

We all know there isnt much to do in the game at present, but make your own adventures. Would love someone with the time to come on board and build an arena or such to host fighting tournaments.

Anyways check my sig for server details if interested.
The figures speak for themselves too tbh, me and my friends were looking forward to this and then saw the streams on release. I refunded before my download even completed.

Shame Funcom have some amazing games, but this was never going to work

Anarchy Online - Great great old school MMO
Age of Conan - Great great MMO (ruined by grind infested expansion and lack of end game)
TSW - The best MMO i have ever played.
Shame Funcom have some amazing games, but this was never going to work

Anarchy Online - Great great old school MMO
Age of Conan - Great great MMO (ruined by grind infested expansion and lack of end game)
TSW - The best MMO i have ever played.

Age of conan had a terrible launch, barely ran on many PCs due to various bugs.
It is fun but needs so much work still.

If you haven't already bought it learn from those of us stupid enough to buy it and wait until full release.
Still playing it myself.

Check out my PVE Server Ragnars Realm UK its un-modded at the moment due to changes, but mods will make an appearance again after the August Biome update.

Its a good place to start, high gathering/crafting yields and has quite a few regulars on it now.

It will be wiped come the Aug update, but no-one minds as its quite good fun levelling up and crafting/building.

If you want a sandbox environment with no trolls come check it out :)
New update out todate, Thralls are more dangerous than before and the map has been expanded to include the frozen north.

Im still loving this game, if you want to try out a fast levelling PVE server check out Ragnar's Realm.
Recently purchased this game and its great. Put in over 60 hours already since i got it and i'm hyped for the update.

Very good time to jump back in, its probably one of the more polished and well developed survival games on the market.
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