Confess your gaming sins...

I'm glad it's not just me. A few years back after a few pints in the pub, came home and got the urge for a bit of a gaming session. Decided a bit of racing was in order and played Simbin Race 07 online. During one race I misjudged a bend and took out an individual, who at the time, operated a very popular public server. Even though I was relatively experienced and a fair racer, the guy in a fit of pique gave me a life time ban and posted the replay to YouTube for posterity!? I apologised and explained it was a genuine mistake, it did not wash - permabanned. :(

Link to video? :p
Wow 118 posts and not a single hacking confession.

Arn't we all a good bunch...

BF2 - I was really enjoying this game, but soon enough the hackers started appearing and spoiling games with their aimbots etc. So in sheer frustration i bought a hack pack!

I grabbed a SVD rifle went to the highest point on a map and with a click of a mouse side button your rifle would lock onto a player - boom, hs. Rinse, repeat etc. Also if i was spotted and a heli or person came to get me you could make it rain vehicles so the heli would get taking out by 20 APVs or a guy would get 20 APVs on his head etc.

You could also make it rain ammo boxes - there was no cool down time on the supply crates or vehicle drops.

I had fun for a couple of days, but once i got that out of my system i also realised that this was what other people were doing too. I closed the game, uninstalled and never played again :(

ETA: Anyone got any hacks for L4D2? I started up with this again recently and everyone seems to be using snipers and the second you spawn - boom, you're dead!!
I preferred Nehrim to Oblivion and Skyrim (still haven't finished Skyrim).

I can't bring myself to download digital copies of games when I buy them - I MUST HAVE A BOX AND DISCS!

I swapped Bubsy The Bobcat on the Megadrive for an absolute arseload of Lego when I was about 11. I paid about £20 for the game. My mate wanted it so rabidly. I imagine the Lego was easily £500 worth.

GTA 4 was not very good outside the main storyline. It was not enough fun. I preferred Saints Row.

I sold nearly all my vintage gaming stuff because emulators.

I used to loudly shout something that translates as 'fatherless child' when playing Super Mario Bros on the NES when I was about 8. I had serious game rage issues back then. I also broke many joypads.

Probably others.
Heh! Do tell more...
Well they're generally things like 'stupid Leah' or 'your an idiot Luke' depending on who he was playing as. He can play the game to be fair to him - he does get a few kills but obviously there is no strategy or tactical skills developed yet.
I installed hacks for TFC 16 years ago for the lolz.

I really enjoyed Risen 2 even though it was terrible.

I'm considering pirating the new Middle Earth game.
Well they're generally things like 'stupid Leah' or 'your an idiot Luke' depending on who he was playing as. He can play the game to be fair to him - he does get a few kills but obviously there is no strategy or tactical skills developed yet.

Typical public play then. At least it isn’t like Quake, h4x, n00b and reported! :D
1) Played and finished Half Life 2. Didn't enjoy it one bit but was adamant to get to the end to justify the money spent. I found it really boring and didnt understand (still don't!) all the hype around it.

2) In vanilla WOW, I once convinced my 7 year old nephew it was fun to level up my fishing skill on my main char. Poor thing was sat there for a couple of hours doing nothing but fishing and eventually gave up as he found it boring lol.

3) I've banned Rainbow Six Siege on both my rigs so when my teenage nephews come over they have no other choice but to play PUBG just so I can accumulate enough BP points to buy and sell off the crates.

I just realised I am one evil uncle!
I cheated on CS:source for about 3 weeks before I got VAC banned, mostly for educational purposes. Back when I left college and got my first job, was just thinking what to spend money on and thought hey I'll buy a private hack.

I actually learnt a lot. How cheaters get away with it. I was shocked how most people actually defended me after carefully speccing me. Some people spend £15 per month on copies of counterstrike just so they can cheat on it because Valve/Steam can make more money this way if they can let cheaters cheat for a few weeks without banning immediately. VAC is a money making scam and tells cheaters that they just have to pay £15 per month to be allowed to cheat as much as they like.
I jumped in as a ringer (pretended to be someone else) for a clan base UT99 iCTF cup final once. I scored 5 caps including the one that won us the match right at the death.
Hacked in a very popular PC shooter, for a week.

It does improve gamesense as when playing without invisible walls you still get a sense certain gameplay patterns. This was a long time ago though. Im an old man now and moved onto walking simulators.
Some people spend £15 per month on copies of counterstrike just so they can cheat on it because Valve/Steam can make more money this way if they can let cheaters cheat for a few weeks without banning immediately. VAC is a money making scam and tells cheaters that they just have to pay £15 per month to be allowed to cheat as much as they like.

So how blatant were your hacks, and how long did it take until you did get VAC banned? Does a VAC ban just ban that game, or the whole Steam account?
Early one morning, building a tunnel between the ocean and dungeon in terraria, flooding it with the entire ocean, setting traps throughout the dungeon and then blaming the whole thing on @Neil79 :D
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3) I've banned Rainbow Six Siege on both my rigs so when my teenage nephews come over they have no other choice but to play PUBG just so I can accumulate enough BP points to buy and sell off the crates.

I just realised I am one evil uncle!

I don't allow my nephew to play on my PC, he's an ungrateful little oik. He's been banned from the local corner shop for stealing and begging but he isn't poor, his mum isn't wealthy but she provides him with nice mountain bikes and expensive clothes and trainers.

I'm not such an evil uncle but a strict disciplinarian.
I have zero interest in sports games and beat 'em ups.
I like JRPGs but struggle with my poor attention span.
I plated WOW in 2007-2008 when TBC was the current expansion pack. I did it to do something with my University housemates as WOW is literally all they ever did. I never raided to quite liked the PVP side. It isn't even a game of skill, it is a game of whoever plays it more will kill you as they have better stuff.
I don't allow my nephew to play on my PC, he's an ungrateful little oik. He's been banned from the local corner shop for stealing and begging but he isn't poor, his mum isn't wealthy but she provides him with nice mountain bikes and expensive clothes and trainers.

I'm not such an evil uncle but a strict disciplinarian.

How old is the kid? Sounds like he could do with some help and love instead of people turning their backs or using them for grinding!

Why not be the cool uncle?
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