Confess your gaming sins...

Thought of another one...
- My enjoyment of a fantasy MMO often relies heavily on the quality of its fishing activity.
2) physically trying to peak around a corner in a FPS... Yea, I've done it a few times.
I used to be guilty of doing that when playing racing games.
This thread has promise as long as everyone plays nice...

My gaming sin is that I have platinum trophies for Farming Simulator 2015 and 2017 :)

Currently working on Farming Simulator 17 albeit on steam.
If achievement hunting is a sin, then I'm screwed. I have 50+ games 100% on Xbox and have 6 perfects on steam (10+ ready to be perfected).

I bought a GTX 1080 and played Runescape & Rocket League for about 5 months instead of other games that needed it.

I've spent money on buying steam trading cards for reasons I don't understand, although did make money on foil Skyrim cards from trading some.
Confession: I am normally a very ethical gamer who likes to foster competitive team spirit, but rocket league turns me into the most toxic troll
Yeah, it's really bad. I normally rise above it, but with rocket league something just snaps and all of a sudden I'm typing "ez" into chat among other less savory things

I'm like that on world of tanks. It's the only thing I've ever done that's turned me in to an out and out racist! I'm awful about Polish players on it.
World of Warcraft got to lvl60 in vanilla and couldn't hack anymore grinding so paid for gold to get my mount. I think I paid to get money for the Kroll blade for my rogue as well.
Iv'e got over 200 games (Steam, GOG, Origin etc) and I probably only ever completed about 10 and only played about 30...
The mrs was away for a week on Business so I took a week off sick and spent the entire week playing anarchy online surviving on bannanas and Lucozade.

She wascanazed the house was still spotless.
I've never overclocked my PC for fear of breaking it
I bought a Pro and X despite not actually having a genuine need for one
I own a Switch and only use it when I go abroad
Never completed Skyrim, or for that matter even got halfway... get bored
I hate talking in parties
I bought Witcher 3, disliked it and sold it
I have maybe 200 games on my PC across Steam, Origin and GOG but I still get bored and need to buy another game
I play GTAV on PC and use my Elite controller
I game on my PC with a 1080p Ultrawide monitor when it could have done more
Ploughed more than enough hours on Day Z beta to a point that if one day it does get released I will be bored of it
I hate Call of Duty but my friends can talk me into buying it every year
I hate the model Fifa operates yet I buy every year
I buy Fifa Ultimate Team packs

Sure I've got loads more.
one i forgot from earlier:

i can't understand push to talk, and on the rare occasion i end up playing online and using it, i forget to press the button then wonder why my team mates cant hear me shouting at them
5. I have a soft spot for the jack and daxter/ratchet and clank series even to this day. In my defence theyre still really fun to play as an adult.
No need to feel bad about this one, just bought a ps3 just to be able to play ratchet and clank 1, 2 and 3 again, fantastic games.

1. I got bored of Half life 2 at more or less the middle of the story.

2. I usually use cheat engine to give me infinite money in most single player rpg's, because i like being able to buy anything i want since the beginning without having to worry about money.

3. I pirated The Witcher 3 (bought it then a couple of months later because i found it great and felt bad).

4. I eat in front of my pc while gaming and get everything dirty :/.
I've bought gold on WoW many years ago. Everyone done it as far as I was concerned and it made life a bit easier.
I've bought ISK on EVE once simply because I was tired of grinding low-level missions to earn money, but not enough to do what I wanted. Used it to buy and kit out a Battleship (as I had been training for a couple of months prior to properly outfit it) and run high level missions. To be fair to the game developers, they cottoned on and removed the amount of ISK I had bought from my wallet after a few days, but in that time I'd managed to amass that much ISK and more through the higher-level missions it didn't really matter...
I took advantage of naive RuneScape players in the early days by buying rune essence at under market price and just flogging on at a mark up. Made so much gold it should have been criminal. It got to the point where I had regular people I used, that I would message them over MSN Messenger bossing them to get on and mine for me!
I get so easily wound-up by one of my mates on Rocket League. He's not a bad player in terms of ability, but he does nothing but ball-chase and gets angry that "he's the only one doing work". He doesn't seem to understand how rotates work. :rolleyes: I'll ask him to stop ball-chasing and end up just doing it myself...
I'm getting tempted by SWBF2, more-so now that microtransations have been "removed". I loved the originals (yes I know these pale in comparison) and never played the first Battlefront despite thinking it looked pretty decent.
I can't help but shoot towards teammates on PUBG with a silenced pistol and play along as they think they're getting shot at from miles away. It's even better when someone is spectating and having to play along. :D
I got to the point in CS:GO that I was so bored of the game's mechanics and netcode that I would actually watch films and TV on my second monitor in the middle of league matches. The game was / is just so poor in comparison to the previous games!
one i forgot from earlier:

i can't understand push to talk, and on the rare occasion i end up playing online and using it, i forget to press the button then wonder why my team mates cant hear me shouting at them

Hah not one I do personally but people who use lapel mics or similar for gaming who don't understand how to use them and/or just leave them open or with poor voice activation settings is one of the bigger gaming sins IMO. Thankfully you can mute individuals on most voice comms/ingame features.
  1. I play Runescape occasionally. I must've spent hundreds on microtransactions over the years.

  2. I put 80+ hours into No Man's Sky, and loved every minute of it. It certainly has more going for it than your average linear shooter!

  3. Sometimes I'm tempted to sell my PC + VR setup in favour of a 4K monitor, PS4 Pro and PSVR. I miss the simplicity of not having to deal with driver issues, poor game optimization, shoddy ports etc. I also hate that my 4790K and GTX 1070 quickly became yesterday's news.

  4. I've refunded many Steam games recently because I've bought them on impulse and immediately regretted it.

  5. I purchased vorpX despite numerous poor reviews, and it was terrible. I haven't been able to obtain a refund either!
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