Console Related Brain Teaser

29 Sep 2006
Console Related Brain Teaser:

You have 1 Xbox 360
1 PC
1 Netgear Router
1 Wireless Adaptor for Router
1 Network Cable
1 Monitor

Your setup:

The PC is setup as standard, plugged into monitor and connects to the internet via the Wireless adaptor.

The 360 connects to the same monitor (VGA cable) and would like to also connect to the internet.

Microsoft says 'use windows ics' to allow the 360 to plug directly into your computers network card. Thus using the same connection, via the wirelss adaptor that the PC uses.

BUT, it dosent work. The 360 connection comes up on the PC as a LAN connection and is not able to get an IP address as its already in use....

The brainteaser is this - have any of you got this setup, using ICS and how do you get around that error?

PC works online fine :)

how do i tell the difference

im using a cable that came with my sky router, that used to wire my pc to the router
you use the 360 cable for that?

big 40 foot thing :D

if so, then i should be able to do the same, as essentially im just connecting the 360 to the PC - PC is then wirelessly getting the internet access
dosent work when bridging, same problem - actually this killed my PC connection too

i just get a IP address conflict, as the IP address is already being used. Get a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark on the 'connection' icon in the task tray
yeah the PC picks up the LAN connection, but its as if its obtaining the same IP address, although its set to find one automatically....
hi there,

you dont need any of this bridge stuff, just set the ip maunually of the xbox, enable ICS on your wireless connection. When you enable it here will be a tab at the end of the connection properties that has details like which connection to share the internet with.

yeah i get that far - do i select all, like DHCP etc
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