Consoles are maybe good for pc gamig?

I didnt include the prices of the tv becuase, you need a hd tv to get the most out of consoles if you dont have one its a waste, its the same with pc, if you have got a gaming pc you need i hgih res monitor to get the most out of it. The main differance is i know people who have just bought a hd tv for their console rather then watching tv or anything else on it, which makes a console just as expensive as a pc if you dont have a hd tv.

Seems like i opend a bit of a can of worms here and its turning into a console vs pc debate. The main point i am trying to make is.

Back in the golden age of pc gaming where most pc games that came out was pc exclusives because console at the time was way behind pc's and couldnt handle the games pc's could. It usally meant you was always playing catch up with the hardware.

But now i feel game desingers are been more realstic with the specs of the games then they used to be and our hardware is lasting longer because of this. I dont feel like i have to buy the latest i core or the latest gpu to enjoy my pc gaming. Its nice to know now when you buy a new pc or a new upgrade its going to last you and its not instantly out of date as soon as you get it out of the box like it used to be. I like looking forward to a new game coming out without the worry it wont run on my system.

I remember i used to have to study the backs of games to see if my pc could run it at a decent frame rate before i bought it then it used to become a 5- 10 min debate if i should buy it or not, the only game that has done that recently for me is crysis but i felt like i had to buy that jsut for curiosity sake.
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I can run NFS Shift, GRID, Crysis, LFD, COD4 etc on my 939 machine thats quite a few years old now. (DFI ultra-D, x2 3800+ @ 2.8ghz, 2gb RAM, 8800GT) The most recent thing is the graphics card, everything else is 4, or 5 years old.

You could buy my machine for the cost of a 360 and run most of the latest games at a reasonable resolution, use the internet, play music and videos and run programs.

I'll take a pc please - no monitor needed, just output to TV
One other point that might have been missed is that consoles are terrible for playing RTS games. I played C&C on playstation and it sucked major donkey balls.

Starcraft would also be a no no
One other point that might have been missed is that consoles are terrible for playing RTS games. I played C&C on playstation and it sucked major donkey balls.

Starcraft would also be a no no

This is true halo wars is awful.
So what happens when consoles dont move forward and developers reach the limitation of the hardware? do we revert back to PC ports for consoles?

Well console games always improve throughout their lifetime. When they stop moving forwards then you'll usually get a new console released.
I agree the current range of consoles have been good for the PC what with so many games that are made for both. But I don't really think they are what have been keeping the system requirements in a kind of lull for the past few years. Instead I would say the reason for that is the move to higher resolutions and the addition of AA and AF to games.

As you've said, this is great for us a lower specs who can enjoy the extended run of games without having to upgrade so often, but I wonder if others feel it's been worth it. After all, Crysis is still arguably the best looking game out there and that is 2 years old now. How much better would PC games look now if the push towards better engines and graphics had continued instead? After all, if you look back two years before Crysis the best looking game was perhaps Quake 4 which is starting to look a little dated now. Would players really prefer to play that at 1920x1200 and full AA/AF instead of Crysis on say 1280x1024 or something like 1440×900 with no AA/AF?

Of course it's done now and the move will undoubtedly be good in the long run. And now that 1680×1050 and above has become more of a standard and the current range of cards are having no problems with those resolutions, I think we will see more advances in the quality of graphics once again.
Surely just about every gaming PC can run gta 4 better then a console at 720p (1280x720) res...
This as 1080P gaming on PC is a lot more pixels to manipulate around double 720P which most consoles cannot even manage anyway as they have to do around 540-600P then upscale with clever hardware buffer tricks to achieve an upscaled to 720P image which usually lacks significant AA.

360 ports in particular has really kept PC gaming alive in the last few years as MS have made it easy to port 360 code onto PC via their XNA dev tools. Nowadays most 360 ports really shine on PC because of this. Without the console ports PC gaming would have lost most major publisher attention 2 years ago.
@ OP
Yes i think consoles are good for PC gaming. (short term)
More quality games are being released as the console has brought gaming to the front of mainstream entertainment.
A well specced PC can usually produce a much better looking version of the game.

No getting away from the fact though, PC gamers are now playing console games ;)
This is actually quite bad for PC gaming in the long run i think.
Soon the games will be tailored so much to the games console, that no amount of super resolution @ 60 fps will hide the fact that the game would be better off played on the console.
this is my prediction, quote me in 5 years lol
@ OP
No getting away from the fact though, PC gamers are now playing console games ;)
This is actually quite bad for PC gaming in the long run i think.
Soon the games will be tailored so much to the games console, that no amount of super resolution @ 60 fps will hide the fact that the game would be better off played on the console.
this is my prediction, quote me in 5 years lol

I doubt that. Not unless the next gen included both a mouse and keyboard which is highly unlikely since there's just too much cost involved in bundling even more items. And then there's also the mod scene which is something that is never really going to happen on consoles. So there is always going to be a place for PC games, especially with things like Steam really taking off which might help cut down piracy a bit.
No getting away from the fact though, PC gamers are now playing console games ;)
This is actually quite bad for PC gaming in the long run i think.
Soon the games will be tailored so much to the games console, that no amount of super resolution @ 60 fps will hide the fact that the game would be better off played on the console.
this is my prediction, quote me in 5 years lol

now? because i never owned a console when i bought my first pc? do you really think people used to stick exclusively to pc's?
you said pc gamers are now playing consoles games....we have always been playing console games, nothing much has changed.

I had a mega drive before i had a pc, and ive also owned a snes, n64, wii, 360 and ps3 since and all the while had a pc of some kind playing games. You make it sound like pc gamers have magically just found consoles - not true.
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