I didnt include the prices of the tv becuase, you need a hd tv to get the most out of consoles if you dont have one its a waste, its the same with pc, if you have got a gaming pc you need i hgih res monitor to get the most out of it. The main differance is i know people who have just bought a hd tv for their console rather then watching tv or anything else on it, which makes a console just as expensive as a pc if you dont have a hd tv.
Seems like i opend a bit of a can of worms here and its turning into a console vs pc debate. The main point i am trying to make is.
Back in the golden age of pc gaming where most pc games that came out was pc exclusives because console at the time was way behind pc's and couldnt handle the games pc's could. It usally meant you was always playing catch up with the hardware.
But now i feel game desingers are been more realstic with the specs of the games then they used to be and our hardware is lasting longer because of this. I dont feel like i have to buy the latest i core or the latest gpu to enjoy my pc gaming. Its nice to know now when you buy a new pc or a new upgrade its going to last you and its not instantly out of date as soon as you get it out of the box like it used to be. I like looking forward to a new game coming out without the worry it wont run on my system.
I remember i used to have to study the backs of games to see if my pc could run it at a decent frame rate before i bought it then it used to become a 5- 10 min debate if i should buy it or not, the only game that has done that recently for me is crysis but i felt like i had to buy that jsut for curiosity sake.
Seems like i opend a bit of a can of worms here and its turning into a console vs pc debate. The main point i am trying to make is.
Back in the golden age of pc gaming where most pc games that came out was pc exclusives because console at the time was way behind pc's and couldnt handle the games pc's could. It usally meant you was always playing catch up with the hardware.
But now i feel game desingers are been more realstic with the specs of the games then they used to be and our hardware is lasting longer because of this. I dont feel like i have to buy the latest i core or the latest gpu to enjoy my pc gaming. Its nice to know now when you buy a new pc or a new upgrade its going to last you and its not instantly out of date as soon as you get it out of the box like it used to be. I like looking forward to a new game coming out without the worry it wont run on my system.
I remember i used to have to study the backs of games to see if my pc could run it at a decent frame rate before i bought it then it used to become a 5- 10 min debate if i should buy it or not, the only game that has done that recently for me is crysis but i felt like i had to buy that jsut for curiosity sake.
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