Conspiracy Garbage

A friend of mine has just linked me

And is now proceeding to try and convince me the world is run by secret families and whatnot, and keeps on going "its all documented evidence, its not a conspiracy theory"

He's just said - "tell your parents, tell your friends, tell them to tell theirs... because this is insanity"

I have of course dismissed it as more conspiracy rubbish, like often seen on here!

Do you think there is any truth to this, or am I right in thinking *facepalm* :p

Has your friend failed to realise that the laws and judicial cases talked about there are mostly Canadian?
yeah its best to ignore the facts. Facts schmacts, you can prove anything with facts if you wanted to.

I am not gonna argue about the twin towers, the facts there are inconclusive and therefore I will not argue for, or against the conspiracies surrounding those.

However, there are NO "facts" as you put it, placing an Airliner at the scene of the Pentagon, NONE.
The sad thing about society today is that anyone with new ideas is called insane or a nazi propagandist. If our minds aren't open enough to consider anything is possible, then theres no point in being alive.

Tbh i would not be surprised if 9/11 was a set up, little too convienient wouldn't you say.

The world IS run by sheep.
No, Devils advocate. Quality movie.

The original source is Charles Baudelaire.

I am not gonna argue about the twin towers, the facts there are inconclusive and therefore I will not argue for, or against the conspiracies surrounding those.

However, there are NO "facts" as you put it, placing an Airliner at the scene of the Pentagon, NONE.

There are plenty of facts placing an airliner at the scene of the Pentagon (see here for details). Quite apart from anything else, there is the very simple fact that a large number of people died on that plane. If the plane did not exist, where did they all go? Was it magic? Or are they still alive? I am sure that their friends and families would be delighted to hear your explanation.
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yeah, the witnesses, the obvious plane wreckage, the missing plane - best to ignore those.

Doesn't matter, you could put a sheep in front of this person, beside a massve sign saying "THIS IS A PIG" with a big red arrow pointing to the sheep and they would actualy go over and check.
I find building 7 the 2nd odd thing of that day, the first was quite clearly the Pentagon, which, rather obviously, never got hit by an airliner.
Here is a detailed summary of all the evidence from the Pentagon:

For a start, I would be interested to see how you can explain the 136 eyewitnesses who saw the plane approach the Pentagon (104 of which directly saw it hit the building). If you have a plausible explanation for that we can move on to the wealth of forensic evidence.
...the world is run by secret families and whatnot...

It's an (attractive) illusion to think the "world is run", some folk are in control etc... The reality is far simpler (and scarier); no one is in control. The system we live in is the emergent property of several billion people going about their business, acting in their own interest. Sure there's a spectrum of influence from the very wealthy to the very poor but no one, no 'elite' group of people have any real degree of control.
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