*** Control (Remedy Games) ***


Settings Wrap-Up
Many of Control's effects and features are baked-in, giving gamers limited options for improving performance, without decreasing image quality to a particularly noticeable extent. If you do need to improve things, however, here are a few nips and tucks to consider:
Global Reflections: Medium instead of High: ~+2 FPS
MSAA: 2x instead of 4x: +2-4 FPS (or try injecting fast post-process anti-aliasing)
Screen Space Reflections: Medium instead of High: +9 FPS (if Ray-Traced Reflections is Off)
Texture Resolution: High instead of Ultra: ~+2 FPS
Volumetric Lighting: Medium instead of High: +9-11 FPS

Note: the lower the framerate the stronger the motion blur effect is, it's intrinsic to the engine just like in QB. More thoughts on the game later. Not having an RTX card for this one feels awful.
This is definitely (currently) a game for Nvidia cards 2000 series and up.

I can run it but only with an internal rez of 2560x1080 to get around 60fps with a mixture of settings.

Looks great though, even without RT, but I look forward to replaying it with a Nvidia 3 series card next year.

The PhysX effects are the best I've seen in a game, outstanding. Things react and go flying when you hit them with your gun or melee.
Was gonna write a whole thing but f it, it was just nitpicking.

Here's what I did and it dramatically improved my experience with the game:
- Run it in full screen. Game had some annoying hitches that I couldn't figure out in borderless, now it's flawless.
- Use reshade cas (with dx11), it helps give the game a much needed clarity boost, esp. when not rendering at native
- Last but not least, turned off reflections altogether. The noise, even at ultra, was just destroying my enjoyment of the game. Yes the game will look a bit flat without them but it's oh so clear & crisp, I'll happily make the sacrifice. Doesn't apply to rtx from what I can tell.

The lack of HDR is a huge miss but this is on QB tech so I guess they couldn't retool for it in time, probably a money issue as well. Using fake hdr settings works alright tho with my TV & same for color gradation option. Sadly not having actual hdr means there's quite a bit of colour banding which you can't completely eliminate.

With a V64 it holds 60fps @ 1440p render, without reflections and volumetric at low, rest max & msaa x4. Together with CAS it looks very close to 4K. The render option with the game scales very well tbh, even 1080p at 4k looks very good. It's one of the few games where native res isn't such a big deal and I say that as someone who usually ups it past 4k even if it means dealing with 30 fps.

As for the game itself, I find it quite fun & the setting is interesting. The hiss is a bit dull, reminds me too much of the husk in mass effect aka the ultimate generic npc. The sound mixing for 5.1 is not very good. But the gameplay is fun & the dialogue is more awkward than cringe which is a welcome change from the new dawn/new blood abominations of late. All in a a solid game, pretty much what I wish Quantum Break was more like when I played it. Just wish there'd be more of it.
I imagine EPIC more than covered what they were expecting to make in the first 12 months.
Yep Epic are quite open about bribing publishers & developers for their platform exclusives :rolleyes: but long term in 12 months this & most other games have minimal commercial value :(
Finding the motion blur offputting, it's something I always disable in games as I really don't like the effect, I understand that I'm going to have to live with it to some extent but are there any tips to reduce it? The latest NVidia drivers seemed to help a little.
Running this at 1440p with 1080p render resolution settings on High, the RTX stuff is really good even on a lowly 2060. Enjoying the game so far, love these kind of storylines.

Really gives the GPU a workout too, highest power draw and temps I've seen in a game yet!
Finding the motion blur offputting, it's something I always disable in games as I really don't like the effect, I understand that I'm going to have to live with it to some extent but are there any tips to reduce it? The latest NVidia drivers seemed to help a little.

The only solution is a higher framerate. That's because what the blur is is actually seeing the 4-accumulated frames in succession (that's how each frame is rendered), so when you have higher framerate then it's much less noticeable. Sorta like how frame tearing behaves, higher framerate = less noticeable tearing.
5700 xt with a ryzen 3800. Running 1080p since that's all my monitor Supports.

Loaded it up last night and played <10minutes as it was very late and i just wanted to try it.

I was absolutely BLOWN away. The graphics, design and how the game runs is just incredible i literally could not believe what i was seeing. Looks and feels so much better then anything i have seen of the game previous online.

I have no idea on what FPS the game was running at due to the fact AMD fps overlay tool is broke and would not tell me but the game felt butter smooth, i really cant put into words how it felt, all i can say is it was literally incredible. It reminded me a lot of the original max payne and how smooth that game felt.

Cant wait to play some more
Played around 3 hours so far and absolutely loving this. It's such a nice evolution of Max Payne and the elemental powers just add to it.

Playing on my 2080 Super with RTX on high and it's sooooo smooth. Their DLSS implementation works well with the slightly reduced resolution and it ticks along very nicely. The lighting/reflections etc which come with RTX are just beautiful and add to the immersion and atmosphere for sure.

I recently purchased some Philips Hue Light Strips for the back of my monitor, synced up with this game are just brilliant as well.

Also try shooting a Fire Extinguisher and then picking it up...it's brilliant to run about with :D
Is it better in both story and gameplay than Quantum Break? I was thoroughly disappointed with that game, terribly cheesy and ran like crap.
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