Cookbooks Ultimate List

It's obviously had a massive influence to the extent that much of the useful information is now so widely known and disseminated on the internet. Could be quicker/easier to google for a particular topic (and save yourself ~£25).

Unless you're also interested in the other aspects of the book, some of the history for example, I'd probably not rush to recommend it. Most people would find it quite dry relative to something more colourful.

The acid test for most cookbooks would be whether you go on to cook, and enjoy, (m)any of the recipes.
I've got Mgee's book, and it's a fascinating read - but it can't really be recommended in a list of cookbooks :p
Possibly not the right thread but has anyone got Junk Food Japan yet? Have had his food a couple of times - exceptional - and would expect it to be ideal for me. Can't find any reviews though so not sure how it translates to recipes / ideas to imitate. TIA.
Ordered a couple this morning, El Celler de can Roca, and Thomas Keller - Under Pressure. It's the only Keller book I don't have, but I figured since I have a water circulator and a vacuum sealer now it's worthwhile!
Bit of a bump...
Bargain pickup today. Local charity shop.

Mint hardback copy of Leiths Cookery Bible. 50p.

They also had a copy of the Leiths Meat Bible for the same price. But I've already got a copy of that.
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