Cookie Clicker game

I've had a fairly even run of good and bad reds so far. Do the pledges appear in the store?
I have communal brain sweep waitng at the mo.

(473M CPS)
I've had a fairly even run of good and bad reds so far. Do the pledges appear in the store?
I have communal brain sweep waitng at the mo.

(473M CPS)

The Pledges appear in the store after you've bought all the research upgrades. Price starts very low but ramps up pretty quickly, caps out at 4.3t cookies
When I do a soft reset for prestige, should I spend all the cookies I currently have, or doesn't it matter?

And for subsequent resets, it still goes off cookies baked all time, and not just this game?
I think it goes off your current cookies? I think I was silly and reset last night with too few cookies, and now only have 180% prestige so it's taking me a while to get back up. (Although, as of this morning I do have a load of anti-matter machines already - and I am now exhausted from getting sucked in till 2am (up at 6am :-( d'oh) ).
Prestige goes off cookies baked all time, so spending them won't matter at all.

I recommend doing your 1st reset at 27Qa cookies baked, that way you get ~230 heavenly chips, which should be enough to roughly double your late game income.
Prestige goes off cookies baked all time, so spending them won't matter at all.

I recommend doing your 1st reset at 27Qa cookies baked, that way you get ~230 heavenly chips, which should be enough to roughly double your late game income.

And there was I thinking it was going to get easier towards the end when it's getting harder. 2Qa baked... I've got a way to go then. Esp with the last Antimatter upgrade costing 1.9Qa!

Prestige goes off cookies baked all time, so spending them won't matter at all.

I'm pretty sure that forfeited cookies also count towards HCs.

I did a calculation yesterday - with 800T forfeited cookies, my HCs calculated went up by about 30%
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When I do a soft reset for prestige, should I spend all the cookies I currently have, or doesn't it matter?

And for subsequent resets, it still goes off cookies baked all time, and not just this game?

1. Yes, if you can get an achievement out of it. Achievements carry over.

2. I'm not entirely sure actually.
I'm pretty sure that forfeited cookies also count towards HCs.
Yeah, that's what i meant by all time, could be cookie monster addon, i have a line under general saying 'cookies baked (all time)' which is the forfeited cookies + cookies baked this game
1. Yes, if you can get an achievement out of it. Achievements carry over.

2. I'm not entirely sure actually.

"Your amount of prestige (heavenly chips, for now) at any time is dependent on all the cookies you've ever forfeited by soft-resetting. Each time you reset, your "cookies baked (all time)" are added to that pool".

Due to Google's capability of solving equations through the search bar, inputting "(sqrt(1+8(X/10^12))-1)/2", with X being your total lifetime cookies made (including all resets), will produce the number of Heavenly Chips you should receive.

I've started to anger the grannys and red cookies are slowly destroying my will to keep playing

This is why you have to use the Pledge to revert back to golden.
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ive just done that, those reds were horrible. really slows you down.

why would anyone want to rekove the elder covenant though?

The Elder Covenant is not worth it until right at the end of the game. It should really be bought as the last upgrade and only then for bumping your upgrade numbers up.

From this point on you should be looking to get the Lucky Day, Serendipity, Get Lucky and other golden cookie upgrades. Also get Sacrificial Rolling Pins which doubles the time of the Pledge to 1 hr.

Keep in mind that the more you buy the Pledge the more expensive it'll get, and it will get costly sooner than you think. It caps at 4.4T cookies, which sounds a lot, but by the time you get to that point 4.4T should be a mere dent in your arsenal.
got to the 4.4T part already which actually isnt that easy as i only make 7.08b cps.

i managed to get "get lucky" and then got a 177second x7 and then within that 177seconds i got a 26s x777 so managed to save Qa's

i got rid of the old biddies for good but have the revoke option now.
Here is mine as of a min ago:

Still haven't reset, 112/118 Upgrades, 84/92 Achievements, 336% milk and no Heavenly Chips.

Slowly working towards 240 Cursors and 100 Antimatters for the achievements.

Trying to keep above the Lucky! Frenzy requirement of cookies in the bank, cookies go up like crazy when I get the right red cookie :D
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I've had this running for er, 2 weeks maybe? Decided to do a reset....

Got 90 something special cookies, production was terrible. I thought screw this, I'm importing my save...Did this, now I have all these extra blue upgrades to click? :cool:
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