I've had a fairly even run of good and bad reds so far. Do the pledges appear in the store?
I have communal brain sweep waitng at the mo.
(473M CPS)
Prestige goes off cookies baked all time, so spending them won't matter at all.
I recommend doing your 1st reset at 27Qa cookies baked, that way you get ~230 heavenly chips, which should be enough to roughly double your late game income.
Prestige goes off cookies baked all time, so spending them won't matter at all.
When I do a soft reset for prestige, should I spend all the cookies I currently have, or doesn't it matter?
And for subsequent resets, it still goes off cookies baked all time, and not just this game?
Yeah, that's what i meant by all time, could be cookie monster addon, i have a line under general saying 'cookies baked (all time)' which is the forfeited cookies + cookies baked this gameI'm pretty sure that forfeited cookies also count towards HCs.
1. Yes, if you can get an achievement out of it. Achievements carry over.
2. I'm not entirely sure actually.
I've started to anger the grannys and red cookies are slowly destroying my will to keep playing
This is why you have to use the Pledge to revert back to golden.
ive just done that, those reds were horrible. really slows you down.
why would anyone want to rekove the elder covenant though?