Cookie Clicker game

So I hard reset quite a while ago, and did my first soft reset for 116% (58 heavenly chips). Apart from the Cookie Monster addon, all legit!
How do you get all the funky extra stats?

Cookie Monster add-on if I remember correctly.

Yep its Cookie Monster

I haven't done any cheating at all, my 66k odd clicks are from me just spamming the touchpad while watching tv, sitting in meetings, on the phone etc.

Doesn't make any noise and nobody has questioned it yet :D although I only really click now if I get a Frenzy.
I am saving for String Theory, currently on 190mill CPS, however I get a cookie ever 200 seconds or so, so it seems prudent to spend any when I can get a bigger bonus by not doing any upgrades!
Yes I've read that, but you reset, then purchase say a granny, they still only bake at the same rate do they not? ?
Worth resetting or shall I stick with it? Things are starting to slow down a lot and I'm a long way from 100 condensers.

Milk is at 324%.
Wish I could get one of those. A frenzy + clicking frenzy would be phenomenal right now.

First time I have really got anything from a chain, always stops after a few cookies but this time it just kept going.

4 more Antimatters to 100 now!
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