Any Roast meat,Sprouts,Broccoli and cabbage,butter on veg with salt and pepper! If you roast a chicken shove an onion and a few cloves of garlic in the carcass,also put butter on top of the chicken to stop the breast drying out. I can't stand shrivelled,dried up breasts!
Ridiculously simple and lazy but it's good food and tastes great,so what the hell!
I don't usually bother with potatoes but if you want roasties,par boil some spuds,put some oil on them,I prefer goose fat or oil from whichever meat i'm cooking and shove 'em in the oven until crisp and brown.
I probably do 3 or 4 roasts a week! Loads you can do with the leftovers too,curries,omelettes,stir frys. Never clean the oven,it adds flavour to the meat.
Ridiculously simple and lazy but it's good food and tastes great,so what the hell!
I don't usually bother with potatoes but if you want roasties,par boil some spuds,put some oil on them,I prefer goose fat or oil from whichever meat i'm cooking and shove 'em in the oven until crisp and brown.
I probably do 3 or 4 roasts a week! Loads you can do with the leftovers too,curries,omelettes,stir frys. Never clean the oven,it adds flavour to the meat.