HAHAH I had DO I WAS SO craving it!! the rectangular tray was in my other house !!! So i went for it and it came out well LOL.
Circular lasagna! Are you crazy?!?!?!!!
Exactly. The pasta is made rectangular for a reason. Circular lasagna is an affront to God!Lasagne is good, but the circular version is just wrong. The sheets are rectangular anyway
Whats wrong with circular lasagne? I have just created my very own and it was delicious Went down a treat!
Meant to upload this awhile ago - my own recipe although the white sauce is dolmio....
Homemade Lasagne by WhiteKnight2006, on Flickr
just make a decent vegi lasagne, you can either layer sliced veg up (butternut, aubergine, peppers etc) or make a "bolognese" using diced aubergine.
Home made I made a Lasagne is truly the food of Gods. Well done sir, I like adding a layer of spinach to the mix as well.
LOL - lets see your creation then - looks aren't everything you know
Are you sure?When I make Lasange, I use diced chorzio instead of mince, or 50-50... it's awesome.