Well the Op's omelette failed to satisfy you lot, so here's mine
great as a brunch or other large unhealthy meal
4 large eggs
75g Mushrooms
50g Chorizo
50g Cheddar
1tsp crushed garlic
decent sprinkle parmesan
2tbsp cream
1tbsp water
1tbsp grated cheddar
100g rocket based salad leafs
1) Slice the mushrooms and dice the Chorizo and start frying in a little butter. Let the mushrooms shrink by loads and the Chorizo crisp up, then set aside for later
2) In a pan mix the cream, water and tablespoon of cheedar to gether and heat over a low heat until cheese and melted, avoid boiling though. Again set aside for later.
3) beat the 4 eggs together with salt and pepper.
4) in a heavy based frying pan melt a knob of butter over a medium heat and poor in the eggs.
5) lightly scramble the eggs, making sure you have enough liquid egg to fill the newly crated gaps.
6) spoon in the filling. As I'm folding it I'm only covering half, you can also do an open omelet and stick under the grill for a minute just to finish of.
7)Plate up with the leafs and drizzle some cheese sauce over the top and enjoy.