Cooking with iamdjdz: Omelettes for idiots!

24 Nov 2006
To follow on from my first exciting cooking thread about onion sandwiches I am creating this one! The first can be found here: Onions.

Today we are going to be cooking simple, but tasty omelettes.

What we will need:

2 eggs (per omelette)
Some filling, I used cheese and ham, but you can put in whatever you want, tomatos, salsa, bacon, peppers, toblerone, the list goes on.
Resealable 'ziploc' freezer bags (1 per omelette)
Saucepan of boiling water

Ok, the method:

1) Crack the 2 eggs into a cup, beat them about like an inattentive woman.

2) Add cheese, ham etc, but preferably grated or thinly chopped. Add as much as you want but not too much, use your initiative I cba with scales and that. Beat this into the eggs.

3) Pour gloop into the freezer bag. Seal the freezer bag and try and get all the air out, probably before sealing it.

4) Put the bag into the boiling water.

5) Return 13 minutes later after your lunch time fap.

6) Remove the bag from the water, open it and roll out the omelette onto a plate (should come out easily and in one piece).

7) Add salt, sauce and whatever.

8) Eat. It's actually quite tasty and simple.

EDIT: I forgot to add that you can do about 6 or so at once in one pan, so if you're feeding more than one person it's actually not a bad idea because it's quicker than waiting for the pan each time.

Here's a photo of one I made earlier, I take no offense in any comparisons to roadkill, I was hungry and thought I would share this distinctly student (crap) recipe with you all.

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Boil in the bag omelets, that new for me.

Sound like your making something easy harder.

Aye I thought that, it's just it's so quick to prepare and you don't have to sit about waiting - but also the main thing is you can do like 6 or so at once, depending on the size of your pan so you don't need to wait on the frying pan to be ready for the next one to start. I should really add that to OP.
Boil in the bag omelets, that new for me.

Sound like your making something easy harder.

Indeed...never heard of anything like that myself...usually ive seen people cook them in a microwave but im not a fan of that myself.

Personally i just take 2 eggs....crack them in a bowl...beat them then put a pan on the hob...put a teaspoon of olive oil...turn the heat up...pour the eggs into the pan and let it cook then flip it over and cook the other side....saying that i usually have scrambled eggs myself.
Mmm, poached beaten eggs.

You make an omelette by pouring beaten eggs into a frying pan with a little butter and drawing out the cooked egg until the bottom is lightly set. Then add filling (ham, cheese etc) and finish under a hot grill to your liking. It takes less than 5 minutes.
Lol why. Chefs use waterbaths to cook meats in a tender fashion...they're basically plastic bags.

I'm pretty sure most freezer bags would leach carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals in to the food when you boil them, unless you used bags specially designed for cooking. Even then I still don't trust them.
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