Cooking with **** - Live Fish and Live Snake

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every time you say you hate something and think its wrong/cruel etc i actually feel like doing it, so you will be more annoyed

Sorry you were mumbling again:confused:;). Oh and platinum87 I get really annoyed at people who commit suicide, I think its wrong and cruel!

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Well done on completely failing to see the point.

Lions and Tigers should not be compared to humans, unless of course you think they are of a similar level of intelligence?

Surely as the most advanced species on the planet we have a responsibility to prevent suffering where possible? Why not just hit the fish on the head before slicing it up? I don't think anyone here has an issue with eating other species, it is causing unnecessary suffering which riles people. You seem to have completely missed that point. Just because a tiger shows no empathy doesn't mean you can apply the same logic to a human.

EDIT: well done on resorting to the "hippie" comment, the favoured choice of insult for slack jawed imbeciles everywhere.

Yeh and i bet as that fish is being deep fried he though to himself 'why did i waste my life at art college i could have been a heart surgeon!'.

Abit of physical pain never hurt anybody, mental pain is where true anguish comes from. The fish would have been dead and forgotten all about it after about 10 seconds.

I don't agree thats its necesary, but i don't really give a **** about fish or any animal which has no sense of existance, maybe we should stop hacking plants down aswell?!

I think you're being abit too sensitive pal!
I think the problem is that its a fish. I keep fish, which makes watching a creature that bares a striking resemblance to my pet being cooked while its alive... unpleasant.
I don't have any problem with killing animals to eat or not, but killing does not! mean torturing it.
Put it this way, if the video was of a labrador puppy being held with a towel over its head, then skinned, lightly sliced and its body flash fried before being laid on a plate whimpering there wouldn't be many "its just a dog lolol" comments would there.
TBH the only thing I can see wrong with this thread is it should have been started in the Youtube thread, Dons please close and I will post the video in there and I am sure it will get missed by the general forum pop.

TBH the only thing I can see wrong with this thread is it should have been started in the Youtube thread, Dons please close and I will post the video in there and I am sure it will get missed by the general forum pop.


this has been a very interesting thread, something i would ahve missed had it been in the you tube thread. Yuo were right to create a new thread i thnk
I don't agree thats its necesary, but i don't really give a
about fish or any animal which has no sense of existance, maybe we should stop hacking plants down aswell?!

I think you're being abit too sensitive pal!

'Cause plants and fish are SO SIMILAR!!!

I don't particularly care about fish but that comment was just too simple to ignore.
while i think its fantastic they can do that in such a short space of time, i couldn't help but watch and have a slightly humane part of me watch and think "kill it, don't let it die in so much pain!"

couldn't personally eat that though :p
We may choose to eat meat; nothing wrong with that. But if a fish can be killed humanely or not, why on earth would we choose the latter? Generally people of low intelligence suffer from a lack of empathy, maybe why you find this concept difficult to grasp.

Empathy applies to people. not to animals.
Empathy applies to people. not to animals.

Err, no, empathy doesn't apply only to people. A person can feel empathy for another person, or for an animal. If I saw an animal being tortured and then killed, I would feel empathy towards it, as I hope would most decent people. Suffering is an unavoidable part of life and nature, however avoidable suffering which could be prevented by humans in unacceptable.
Who decides what right or wrong?

Everyone must decide for themselves what is right or wrong, if I think something is wrong, then it doesn't matter whether it's another culture or not it's still wrong. To say otherwise would be a fallacy.

you wouldn't want veg protected from insects and animals..

Which is irrelevant in the context of killing animals for meat.
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But totally relevant for killing. Which is what I said.

Well you were saying how brainwashed people were for saying this video was barbaric, something they would not have said if it was the necessity of spraying pesticides or natural pest control like using ladybirds. Which to me implied you were talking about it in the context of meat.

Its a ******* fish! It has no idea whats going on! They die in their hundreds of thousands every day in less humane ways. You hippies need to wake up, it's called the food chain.. Big animals eat smaller animals. Do you see Lions and sharks trying to be humane? Maybe we should kill all the Lions and sharks so nothing like this ever happens again.
Won't somebody please think of the children :rolleyes:

Ignoratio elenchi + straw man = fail.
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Well you were saying how brainwashed people were for saying this video was barbaric, something they would not have said if it was the necessity of spraying pesticides or natural pest control like using ladybirds. Which to me implied you were talking about it in the context of meat.

Just look at the rat thread. everyone opposed that. even though it's the best way of killing them. Far more humane than poisoning.
'Cause plants and fish are SO SIMILAR!!!

I don't particularly care about fish but that comment was just too simple to ignore.

I know, i know, but my point was despite a fish having a nervous system, it would feel the 'pain' but would not be in anyway mentally competant to understand what was going on. Any reaction the fish had are caused by a nervous response of the cerebellum, nothing more..
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