I'm quite entitled to make posts regarding information that i require before i make a purchase i can't see how i'm spamming to be honest.
I have no reason to boost my post count as i can't see what it will achieve in the long run. Don't know what your version of spamming is as i've not mentioned or advertised any other online retailer just made sensible posts for further information and stayed within the T&C of these boards provided by OcUK.
I've emailed OcUK and recieved a reply, that there is nothing wrong with my posts simply making enquires.
It is up to me what i do and choose for hardware and whos advice i wish to take.
I have no reason to boost my post count as i can't see what it will achieve in the long run. Don't know what your version of spamming is as i've not mentioned or advertised any other online retailer just made sensible posts for further information and stayed within the T&C of these boards provided by OcUK.
I've emailed OcUK and recieved a reply, that there is nothing wrong with my posts simply making enquires.
It is up to me what i do and choose for hardware and whos advice i wish to take.