Sorry mate, missed it. Yeh they are. If you take the card apart and remove the heatsink, you'll find a metal plate covering the front, which holds the screws for the backplate. The front and back plates are what cools most of the VRAM. I just dremelled a hole in the front plate around the gpu area so I could fit a generic block, and left the front and back-plates attached to the PCB.
There are four uncovered VRMs which weren't cooled in any way in the stock card, so I left them uncovered. They get quite hot under load, but the cards haven't crashed or throttled in Furmark, or in gaming, so I'm guessing they're fine? Unfortunately I don't think the Matrix cards have any vrm temp sensors...unless you know a way of unlocking them
I'm pretty happy with the cooling anyhow. I've got some airflow so hopefully the VRAMs will be fine.