Corsair 650D Project

you do know that you can remove that plastic bit where the ssd is? There are some screws located underneath the case to remove it to give better air flow. You can then mount the SSD at the back as I see your HD rack is full.

Additionally if that white zip tie is used to hold the fan controller into place then similarly you can remove that 5.25" drive lock by pushing up on the pin in the middle using a precision screwdriver and it will fall out easily. You can then access the mounting holes for the fan controller and install it correctly. You can then push the drive lock back into place so that everything is OEM.

I didnt know that, ill probably do that later today as my h100 has a noisy pump, its a shame really because its good, keeping my 2500K oc'd at 4.5, at 55C after 6 hours of prime.

Ill take the locking out, id rather not use the zip ties.

I was thinking about going for blue instead of red but I had a few red fans, already as well as the strip of red leds, Im tempted to paint the heat sinks red, its not too much of an issue!
I didnt know that, ill probably do that later today as my h100 has a noisy pump, its a shame really because its good, keeping my 2500K oc'd at 4.5, at 55C after 6 hours of prime.

Ill take the locking out, id rather not use the zip ties.

I was thinking about going for blue instead of red but I had a few red fans, already as well as the strip of red leds, Im tempted to paint the heat sinks red, its not too much of an issue!

Send the corsair back until you get one that has a silent pump, that's what everyone does who is unfortunate to get one that is loud. Corsair's support is absolutely fantastic though, they look after you well.

Yeh get rid of those zip ties, it makes it look cheap ;)
Zip ties are gone, thats been dealt with today h100 all packed up for collection tomorrow! got my old venom in there until the h100 returns
So the h100 is gone now, venom is fitted and my old WD500gb Blue has died and hopefully... My new one should be here in a few hours ^^
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