** Corsair Unveil an Attractive, Affordable Gaming Case **

Mmmmmm the dark case rises!


Absolutely fugly.

"But you were merely adaopted by the case, I was born in it, molded by it".

What has been seen can not be unseen!

I think for what it is, the price point is spot on and get some a nice fathom cooler in that in red will look really nice for some cheap style. :)

Good work Corsair.
Nice window.
Rear side-panel has the same bulge, so good for cable-routing.
Looks like the top-mounted 240 rad implied by the roof vents might interfere with the rear exhaust.
Could have included a second front fan.

Can always upgrade stuff, though.
Not bad.
I can accept the side window sticks out for practical reasons more than aesthetics if it's capable of holding fans which does not appear to be the case.

the front just looks down right ugly and a dust magnet

with the 300r being only £15 more and not looking out of place in almost any room I don't see why anyone would go for this purely based on price
Not really my thing, but surprised at the amount of negativity towards the case here.
Especially considering the praise heap on the vile NZXT 440 that costs more than twice as much!
Rather like that case nice price too.

There is a even cheaper Spec 01 case not sure of the differance though
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Nice case if your 14 and building your first PC case (come on who hasn't a "Cool" looking case) with the price being very nice.

but no from me :) Still looking at the 750D.
For the price I think it's decent. Looks are subjective at that price point. Actually at that price point and for the things it can house, looks should really be at the bottom of the agenda.
Not a bad case for the price, but I think I prefer the look of the SPEC-01 (It has a slightly flatter look), it's also supposed to be ~£10 cheaper iirc.
There are three cases (spec 01 02 and 03). This is spec 03. Spec 01 looks v. similar but is cheaper, spec 02 is the same basic layout as this case but just a bit less garish – it's *almost* acceptable.

Frankly they all look ugly to me, but 14 year old me is interested ;)
I'm guessing all of you guys hating on the case are all enthusiasts? This case isn't really aimed at you, it's aimed towards the younger newcomer who most of us once were.

A 13 year old getting his first 'gaming PC' for Christmas in one of these would probably love it.
Goddamn, that's pretty vile, sorry. If it looked more sensible, I'd be getting it without a hesitation. (15 yr old here :P )
I don't understand why cheap has to equal hideous? Surely the manufacturing cost wouldn't be much different for a sleek design without that awful front grill.
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