** Corsair Unveil an Attractive, Affordable Gaming Case **

I'd have loved this case, 6 years ago when I was building my first PC. I guess that's who they are appealing to, 17 year old's that want a very bold case with red flashy lights.

*Looks at his Thermaltake Element G with regret....*

I bought a PC-K62 Dragon Lord when I was 16, it wasn't bad really, certainly not the most garish of cases, but I hated it and its stupid lights and vents within 18 months and got a 600T. :p
Who needs drive bays. They ruin everything.

Excuse the rushed photoshop. :p


That's actually an improvement in my eyes... but we all know my view optical drives :rolleyes::eek::mad:
I agree with the general consensus here, that's a pretty bad looking case - don't know what they were thinking with the Bane grill thing and the bulky side window. It's a shame because I know Corsair could've done a much better job for a budget case, hopefully they'll learn from this and produce something nicer next year.
Great looking case that, rugged rough & tough, cooling potential is good, i can't stand clean sissy looking cases if i'm honest, i like to scratch and rough up my pc cases hahaha!, seriously though who stands or sits and says "oh look at my pretty case"?, other than girls/ladies hehehe. It's a gamers case, good job there Corsair.
Nott often i disagree with you rich
But that's horrible.

I think a lot of school kids will like it thoigh !!

Guessing that's the main target market for it - it looks like a stereotypical 'gaming' case, and it is cheap enough.

I remember the kind of case I used to consider cool when I was a kid!
I see they changed the front of this case.
It looks so much better, actually at the pre-order price of 38£ its very good.

Edit: uups, no. They didn't the new one is spec-01 :-)
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