Cost effective spam filtering....

Company I work for uses Symantec MessageLabs and it's very good. We get a great deal on it as we sell a lot of mailboxes.

We also have Symantec Mail Security for Exchange, but that is generally just used for Anti Virus at the Transport Level as we have MessageLabs for filtering mail before it leaves/enters our servers.

I think cloud based anti spam/journal solutions can work very well if you get the right one. Config is often simple and light touch, and you don't have to worry about the infrastructure as much.
Interesting topic.

What are peoples thoughts of the pros/cons of cloud hosted vs on-premise appliance?

We went from on-premise to cloud hosted.

Spam doesnt hit out exchange server (saving bandwidth )
We can stop /reject large attachments before they come down the line.

Mutiple virus checkers cloud hosted use (we still have one on our exchange server)

outgoing mail logs can take up to 5mins (some providers say up to 3hrs (messagelabs) ) for email logs to be updated. This may not effect some people, but for deadlines, we like to know the email has gone out , and hasn't been caught up in any filters.

Exporting mail logs via web page. Again may not effect some people. For us , we would get asked about an email sent 2 years ago (for contractual issues) we like to view them. Some providers will display info for 30 days (in which you have to export) but exporting logs, can cause time outs. So we have to do it weekly. Finally some providers offer, logs for life, how ever they are basic logs. Just stating email from and to.
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