I live on a street off a quiet dual carriageway (boulevard type road), which is connected to another.
The other day I was riding along this second dual carriageway in the evening on the way back from work, behind a lady in a car. She pulls over to the left lane as we approach where this boulevard meets the other, indicating left. I carry on, and as we both approach the end of this boulevard, she moves over halfway into my lane before turning left.
it's bright red, it's reasonably loud even though it's the stock pipe (throaty litre V-twin) and I had my lights on, plus I'd been following her for two hundred yards!
It's not like she needed the room for the maneuver, she was going about 5 miles an hour at this point. She just a) was too much of a spastic to turn a corner without using both lanes, and b) had NO IDEA I was there.
I wasn't in her blind spot, I wasn't hanging on her bumper, I was just riding along. She moved into the left lane to turn left, I continued in the right lane to cross the second carriageway to turn right. I'm just glad I wasn't completely alongside her when she did it otherwise she'd likely have had me off.
Spazz. She never noticed me even after she nearly knocked me over
There's too many daft old ladies around here. On the aforementioned dual carriageway a couple of week ago, I was riding along and watch a little old dear pull out of a sideroad and cross this DUAL CARRIAGEWAY, looking LEFT the entire time. She actually was looking for traffic the WRONG WAY on a dual carriageway. When she appeared she was looking left and she crossed both lanes of the dual carriageway without turning her head even slightly. If she'd come along five seconds later I'd have gone straight over her bonnet. Just completely oblivious. That one's not bike-specific though, I doubt she'd have noticed a Sherman tank approaching.