are they replacing it... yes,
was it an accident... yup,
have they changed the design to avoid this issue... yes.
the companys done everything expected of them to be honest and wanting more compensation in the way of an "injury lawyers for you" style is (in my opinion) the wrong thing to do in this instance, if they were using the same design and were not offering any help at all then youd have a case for it, but sue`ing the ass of a company thats actually trying to help is morally objectionable in my opinion.
but then im against this whole legal culture anyway, the only people who really get rich are lawyers and insurence companys.
"i was going to work and slipped on the wet floor... i got £5000!!! =D"
my response: its your fault you daft bint. look at the ******* FLOOR !!! ITS SOPPING WET FFS!!!
"i tripped on an uneven paving slab and sued my local council for £1000 =D "
my response: your a moron whos too stupid to realise youl just pay it back via council tax as your eating up the roadworks budget in compensation claims...