Could I claim for this? (Shower accident)

Werewolf said:
It could have been worse, it could have been round his GF's house and only the GF and her mum to help ;)

and he might have felt up his gf's mum, remember that thread?
are they replacing it... yes,
was it an accident... yup,
have they changed the design to avoid this issue... yes.

the companys done everything expected of them to be honest and wanting more compensation in the way of an "injury lawyers for you" style is (in my opinion) the wrong thing to do in this instance, if they were using the same design and were not offering any help at all then youd have a case for it, but sue`ing the ass of a company thats actually trying to help is morally objectionable in my opinion. :)

but then im against this whole legal culture anyway, the only people who really get rich are lawyers and insurence companys.

"i was going to work and slipped on the wet floor... i got £5000!!! =D"
my response: its your fault you daft bint. look at the ******* FLOOR !!! ITS SOPPING WET FFS!!! :mad:

"i tripped on an uneven paving slab and sued my local council for £1000 =D "
my response: your a moron whos too stupid to realise youl just pay it back via council tax as your eating up the roadworks budget in compensation claims... :mad:
I would accept the offer of free replacement and leave it at that. You didn't die... life goes on... Put it this way, you have a shower.... think of those that don't... (Gilly? :))
Piggymon said:
Still laughing :o :o

lol i found that story amusing, one of the last things i would have done is think about getting compensation, if it'd happend to me i would have had a laugh about it with my family because that's what we're like.
go see a psychiatrist and get him to say you have PTSD - then you can claim for that!

I suggest geting the services of this guy:

Just remember - you were VERY traumatised and very stressed by the whole thing - you HAVEN'T been the same since - fearing daily that something will fall on you and you will be trapped forever. ;) ;)

Piggymon said:
ROFL !!! .... I'm sorry but I just have an image of you naked trapped by your shower door .. everyone is looking at me now because I am actually laughing my butt off

LOL. Good girl, that was pretty much my reaction. It sounds like a true Frank Spencer moment. I DO HOPE that your Father and Brother are going to use this to humiliate you in the future ;)
Claims culture most definitely for the lose. Let them fix the damage.

Humph. I should be majorly irked by Piggymon's laughter :(. I've had something equally bad happen - me in shower, light bulb explodes (and I mean really goes bang). Glass everywhere. Taps to turn shower off = near broken glass. Nearest towel = other side of glass. Cue me naked yelling for a member of staff to come rescue me (I was at boarding school at the time). :o

Maybe I'll let you off this once. Maybe. :p
In order to assess your claim properly to ensure you receive the correct compensation you will be required to submit photograpghs. It would be prudent to post them here first before you go embarrassing yourself in front of a court.
Otacon said:
Has the accident caused you any loss of earnings? If not then just leave it man, it was an accident and they're replacing the shower.

Compensation culture for the lose.
Quoted for undeniable truth.
jdickerson said:
I would accept the offer of free replacement and leave it at that. You didn't die... life goes on... Put it this way, you have a shower.... think of those that don't... (Gilly? :))

I have two...
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