council tax (living with students)

2 Jun 2004
i work full-time; if i move into a shared house consisting of myself and 2-3 students will i be soley responsible for the council tax bill? and if so will i be entitled to any discount or anything? :confused:
There is a discount, but I'm not sure how much. Unfortunately you will be liable. I did this with a mate of mine a couple of years back and he had to pay, unfortunately he forgot for a while and we all got a nice court summons. Sorted it all out in time though :)
Saytan said:
yes, you'll be responsible. you may be eligible for the single occupancy discount too.
how much is that? because the way i see it is this - my rent is 250 and bills around 50 p/m, so with council tax i'm looking at ~400 for a room in a rented house. shocking.
Get them to pay a share. The discount is 25%.

I am a student living with a non student and I have no problem at all paying half. I suppose they might not let you move in if you demand they pay though.
big_white_dog84 said:
Get them to pay a share. The discount is 25%.

I am a student living with a non student and I have no problem at all paying half. I suppose they might not let you move in if you demand they pay though.

The scabby students I used to live with refused to pay an equal share because they were "exempt".
PaulStat said:
The scabby students I used to live with refused to pay an equal share because they were "exempt".

Damn right too.

If someone tried that on in our house and refused to pay the council tax that they should be paying by themselves we'd tell them where to go and find another student to share with.
big_white_dog84 said:
Get them to pay a share. The discount is 25%.
They are paying their share - £0.00.
Im in exactly the same situation - but im one of the three students. No matter what - I dont have to pay council tax, where as he can either pay part of 100% or the whole 75%... was his choice!
daz said:
Damn right too.

If someone tried that on in our house and refused to pay the council tax that they should be paying by themselves we'd tell them where to go and find another student to share with.

Yeah but do the maths, total council tax bill £1250, divide that between 5 people in a house and it comes to less than one months rent each.

It's completly unfair to expect one person to pay the whole lot, when I was a student sharing with a non-student, I paid my fair share.
my housemate has got stung with this because he's only a part time student this year, ive laughed so much at him!

purely for the fact that he has no job, no student loan, and about £30 to last him till the end of june!!
i have to phone his parents up and ask for gas and electricity money because i dont trust him to ask them.

and now he gets this, WHAM! if he was more responsible instead of just getting high all the time i'd give him a little sympathy but nope, none from me now :p
PaulStat said:
Yeah but do the maths, total council tax bill £1250, divide that between 5 people in a house and it comes to less than one months rent each.

It's completly unfair to expect one person to pay the whole lot, when I was a student sharing with a non-student, I paid my fair share.
Sorry - i missed the post which pointed out the fact they forced him to live with them. Also, its up to each person to find out what they will have to pay... When i found out someone wanted to live with us who wasnt a student, first think i did was see if it affected my outgoings.

They are exempt. You might have the cash to splash, but having worked a whole year and completed a 3 year course it looks as though I will end with pretty much £0 (although no overdraft is a plus) and £18k in debt. Council tax? cry me a river son :p
Goksly said:
Sorry - i missed the post which pointed out the fact they forced him to live with them. Also, its up to each person to find out what they will have to pay... When i found out someone wanted to live with us who wasnt a student, first think i did was see if it affected my outgoings.

They are exempt. You might have the cash to splash, but having worked a whole year and completed a 3 year course it looks as though I will end with pretty much £0 (although no overdraft is a plus) and £18k in debt. Council tax? cry me a river son :p

Well when I helped to pay the council tax when I was a student, I was on my placement year, but my pay was only a measily £11k. I still paid
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