Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CSGO)

Not intending to cause offence, but I often see new people to CSGO call hackusation on other good experienced players with good game sense etc. Not saying this is what happened here, as there are a lot of cheaters on CSGO so its entirely possible, but in this game, game sense, sound, communication and angles are key.

I get accused of cheating in every other game by lower ranked players.
too real
There is a huge amount of cheating in CSGO. Last time I checked out of 262 matches I'd had a total of 169 cheaters in 101 matches, then throw smurfing on top of that. Cant imagine it will get any better now its f2p.
There is a huge amount of cheating in CSGO. Last time I checked out of 262 matches I'd had a total of 169 cheaters in 101 matches, then throw smurfing on top of that. Cant imagine it will get any better now its f2p.
On the flip side, i've had 400 people banned after playing with me out of 4500 players, so less than 10%. I play DMG and obviously have good trust.
Not intending to cause offence, but I often see new people to CSGO call hackusation on other good experienced players with good game sense etc. Not saying this is what happened here, as there are a lot of cheaters on CSGO so its entirely possible, but in this game, game sense, sound, communication and angles are key.

I get accused of cheating in every other game by lower ranked players.

i take it your smurfing in order to get matched with lower ranks?

i hate the fact people do this. so i finally get to the rank which I'm supposed to be at MG2. then the games get so sweaty as it's full of smurfs who just obliterate you. then back to MG1 and then it's a constant up then down.

i feel like just playing the next 20 games pistol only to get down into GN4 so I can them feel the power of being a smurf.
There is a huge amount of cheating in CSGO. Last time I checked out of 262 matches I'd had a total of 169 cheaters in 101 matches, then throw smurfing on top of that. Cant imagine it will get any better now its f2p.

Are you referring to matches in which you've reported people that you think are cheating..?

smurfing you can forget about really. I play with supreme rank players and they are in games we lose to nova ranks, they cant turn the tide just by themselves not vs a team of 5 cordinated. If it was 1 v 1 then the game was played wrong either way.

If nothing else consider the numbers, theres millions of novas but only 10,000 globals so thats 10000/2000000 say or about half a percent chance of a global getting into your game most of the time. Quite a few goto faceit or esea instead. Unless I really see something skilful in a game I doubt any higher ranks, just knowing where people are or pre aim is something else

If you look up the GPDR info for csgo you get a list of everything you've done. So there is a list of everyone you have reported.
Then there is a couple of chrome extensions, one will repeat select the next page (if you are very salty like me or played a lot of game). The other extension will check vac and days active to match the time of match

So I check my history, I got 12.7% for the long list of people I reported. I also checked games in general ages ago, I believe I got 15% for players in your games now with a vac

i take it your smurfing in order to get matched with lower ranks?

i hate the fact people do this. so i finally get to the rank which I'm supposed to be at MG2. then the games get so sweaty as it's full of smurfs who just obliterate you. then back to MG1 and then it's a constant up then down.

i feel like just playing the next 20 games pistol only to get down into GN4 so I can them feel the power of being a smurf.
No, I've never smurfed and only have one account. I sometimes play with friends who's rank are a few levels lower than mine, or even in normally matches in non prime time hours can have a wide range of ranks.
Any decent/semi-serious player that reaches global will more often than not turn to FACEIT and/or ESEA. The skill ceiling is much higher, AC better (albeit not perfect by any means) and servers up to 128 tick.
Hey guys,

I have upgraded my system. Complete overhaul! I just fired up a game of CS:GO DM just to test the system out.

Getting mid - high 200's at 2K res. everything maxes.

Can someone give me some setting to tweak it a bit? Mabye cap my FPS to 144 (like my monitor)?

Its a FreeSync running on a VEAG 64 guys!

Most smufts are LE or higher, some smuft just to warm up or boost people accounts, trust factor nobody knows how it works, i have a lem account, if im going to play with lower ranked friends i go on my gn3, but wont try hard, i just try to give them pointers on what to do.

@rip-the-jacker csgo is better with higher fps, turn msaa to x2-4, blur off, turn auto pickup off, put 10 second bomb warning on, mvp to 0
Added you.

I would recommend to everyone who plays or has played a lot of CS to just take part in this Free to play wave of accounts. Start a new account and play a competitive game on there a few times till you get a rank. Anyone unranked can play with others unranked and/or a full lobby of five works.

I would recommend everyone in the lobby just starts a new account so you are all on the same level, no standing record of red trust possible just a start over. Its quite ironic the effect, Valve is placing the brand new accounts into games exclusively in their own queues. After the first 4 wins, we got DMG as enemy and still everyone in that game was brand new so it felt like very low Nova, one guy was a familiar challenge of gameplay otherwise it was very laid back games. Ideal to try on xmas day :p I just played sawn off with first 2 games so as not to be OTT

Someone in Valve is altering that F2P queue so its nicer to play then the full prime supposedly good trust games. We did eventually lose one and the ranks are in theory at the level I queue at now, but overall Im mentioning it especially as its nothing like non prime would be expected to be. Just dont mix old/new accounts for that ideal

I didnt buy prime, this purely a test of Free CSGO. Eventually I might use the account for wingman, never use a main account in wingman is also good advice to save a lot of pain afaik

The other factor was we both have at least 1 non free game on the account, like it cost a tenner in a sale. That might have helped not 100%
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