Counter Strike Source. Tips and Tricks?

Why cant you aim with a high sensitivity on your mouse? All the good players that i know have it on super high.

I find it a lot more fluid when aiming.

Get in their faces and shoot them up, dont sit back with a sniper and watch the fun.
Street said:
A silencer slows the round down and makes it sub-sonic to eliminate the crack, so it should make it less powerful.

As well as reducing accuracy, it also reduces recoil... Forgot to mention that:)

i thought a silencer was to reduce muzzle flash not "silence" as would be expected?
M4 with silencer takes 2/3good shots for a hs to registers/compile a full 100+ dmg, m4 without silencer takes one shot. But the sound annoys me, so I use an ak :p

Also the usp with silence just, imo, feels better, and doesnt effect the dmg.


Also I used to use crosshairscale_20000, seemed perfect for me, havent tried since I started playing again though, just use default (must remember to change dynamic to off >.<)

One tip: Use a deagle. a lot. You'll get good, and your aim will get amazing. Spend time using just pistols for a while, might get boring, but youll soon start to "pwn" people, then more people, untill you become rather darn good. Then move to an ak/m4 and boy will you have fun :D

And don't rush, 3 or 4 careful slow paced shots do more damage than running around with your eyes closed going "YEEEHAR" and trying to shoot everyone and anything. Start off shooting slow, make every shot hit, then speed it up, more and more, but not too much :)

Oh and learn to strafe dodge :D
bloodline76 said:
Why cant you aim with a high sensitivity on your mouse? All the good players that i know have it on super high.

Good as in how good? Best in the UK? The world?

You cant aim as well with a high sensitivity because you simply cant get the accuracy. By using a high sensitivity you're forcing yourself to work with the most minute movements of your wrist. Its harder to train yourself that a tiny movement in your wrist will flick your crosshair to the top right of your view, than it is to train yourself that moving your arm a certain amount will do the same. You've got a much greater movement to deal with and adapt accordingly.

As i said before, dont you think theres a reason all the best players (or most of them at least) use a lower sensitivity? :)

Psypher5 has it right. Get good with the deagle and you'll be laughing.
Street said:
Real men use knifes TBH. :p

Nothing like getting up close and personal!
Nothing like going on the UK2 nub servers with flashbangs in hand, sitting on the enemys' head then knifing :p
low sensitivity = accuracy
high sensitivity = speed

i dont take the game very seriously these days (tmp rush rules) so missing a couple of bullets at range do to not being able to get the crosshair in the perfect position doesn't bother me that much

and i come top pretty much every game i play.. but these days i stick to public servers... its nice to be the big fish in a small pond :D
Scam said:
As i said before, dont you think theres a reason all the best players (or most of them at least) use a lower sensitivity? :)

I disagree. Learning to use small movements is easy. Maybe low sensitivity is good if you are going to snipe but I cant see it being good when it gets to the last few guys.

I have a medium high sensitivity on my mouse and gradually move it higher as I get back into the swing of things. And each time I get better.

I have a five foot desk I dont want to use the whole thing to turn around. People must have giant fat fingers or something if you cant control your mouse with a bit of care.

Last point, use whatever is comfortable for you. And as to how good are the best people that I know are? It sort of answers itself. They are the best people that i know of that i play with. Whether they are the best in UK or world i dont know.

Do you know who the best players are in the world?

Personally I believe that you need fast reflexes in CCS and having a slow moving mouse isnt going to do you any favours. Thats just my opinion though.
bloodline76 said:
Personally I believe that you need fast reflexes in CCS and having a slow moving mouse isnt going to do you any favours. Thats just my opinion though.

I'd agree with you about using whatever is comfortable, thats essential else you're not going to get anywhere. However a low sensitivity does not automatically mean you cant move as fast, thats the point i was trying to make. Again, think about tennis players and their serves. How fast is the record? 140mph... a lot of that is from the elbow. Its entirely possible to move just as fast once you get used to it. Yes with a lower sensitivity you have to move a further physical distance, but remember you also now ahve your whole arm and all its muscles to move that distance, making it just as fast.

Its a horrendous clichéd argument, but i'd point out (since everyone knows of him, and its easy to find videos of him playing) how Fatal1ty uses a low sensitivity, or has done in any videos i've watched back in the day, at least. Two swipes to turn 180 i'm talking. It's not like his aim onscreen moves slowly is it? He played the fastest game out there with that sensitivity (Quake). If you can do it with Quake you can sure as hell do it with CS!

EDIT: Oh, we're talking CSS? I thought we were talking about CS. If its CSS just use whatever you want, you dont need to aim anyway ;)
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