Courgettes - Most underrated vegetable?

27 Dec 2005
I'm a recent convert of courgettes, so to put it. I pretty much have one with every meal I cook, within reason.

Throw it in some pasta? Awesome! Bake it and have it on the side? Great! Mix it in with pretty much anything? You got it!

And at 25/30p for one big enough to feed a person from my local coop they're cheap too.

Recently I've friend some slices up with pancetta and mushrooms and had with some gnocci and white sauce and tonight I just had them baked on the side of a pork dish.

Anyone else a fan?
love them,grow them in the garden till they quite big,cut them im half and scoop out 80% and fill with mince meat or chilli con carne :)
make a soup with them along with peas, potato, onion and garlic. really nice with a good crack of pepper :D
I adore lightly sautéing courgettes and leeks in garlic butter with a nice bit of seasoning. Goes particularly well with boiled potatoes and a slow roasted shoulder of lamb.
Throw it in some pasta? Awesome! Bake it and have it on the side? Great! Mix it in with pretty much anything? You got it!

I applaud your enthusiasm for this delightful summer squash.

I use them mainly in a roasted vegetable recipe I make with mozzarella and salami, or with pesto, ham cubes and other veg in a really simple pan-fried pasta dish. Quite a unique taste and underrated.
Courgettes are the best pizza topping! (only beaten by gherkins)

You can roast them, griddle then, fry, eat raw and all sorts. Awesome vegetable! Try just slicing one in half length ways then baking with cheese in the middle :D
Quick vegetable dish.

Slice courgettes and quick fry in a little oil
place in dish with canned or fresh tomatoes, some olive oil and seasoning.
Cover with cheese and bake.

Serve with almost everything, fish, meat or pasta
I hate them along with anything marrow-like (Aubergine, Zuchini etc.). Pretty much the only veg type I won't eat

- GP

Same for me, just don't like them. Had it in veg soup before which was ok because I couldn't taste it but roasted etc I just don't like.
I think we're on #98 out of "101 Things to do with a Courgette" at the moment. I grow courgette plants from seeds most years. Only one plant has properly got going this year but it's knocking out about 3 courgettes a week!
My dad used to eat a Courgette risotto which he really liked.

I tend to use it in roasted veg a lot and it also simply gets fried in a little butter as slices which is a nice side dish.
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