COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

For some reason spike protein is continuing to be replicated long after it should be.

Be interesting to see what a test showed for me - I'm still not back to 100% a year on, though nothing major. But my digestive system and quality of sleep (possibly linked to the former rather than necessarily directly from COVID) is definitely not what it was before COVID and I'm still intermittently having minor bouts of fatigue which I never had before COVID.
"BBC misrepresented covid risk to boost lockdown support"

We were lied to people, wonder if they lied about anything else whilst world leaders partied in Cornwall and nhs staff did tik tock videos?

Be interesting to see if Long Covid (is that a medical term now) and high levels of spike protein can be correlated to those that'd had the vaccine/boosters.

Don't think anyone can argue that we should damn well have had an enduring control group.
Be interesting to see if Long Covid (is that a medical term now) and high levels of spike protein can be correlated to those that'd had the vaccine/boosters.

Don't think anyone can argue that we should damn well have had an enduring control group.
Well apart from the whole thing that LC was showing up long before the vaccine was given, and there are people who have never had the vaccine but have had covid and have now got LC.

Not to mention Covid certainly not alone in being a virus that gives long term issues, we know IIRC Polio, Measles, Herpes, etc all have very specific long term issues associated in them, and for decades there have been people ending up with long term problems after all sorts of other viruses including some that have no vaccine.
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You work in a hospital around infections, you expect your employer to do what is normally required by law, take the necessary steps to try and protect you by providing the proper equipment.

You might as well say "well you work around asbestos, you should expect asbestosis", completely ignoring the fact there are very specific measures that will offer good protection against it.

If you think that the sort of things they are off work with are a "normal" risk in a hospital you are something else.

You forgetting there were clear PPE shortages for a long time along with a raging debate about effectiveness of different mask types. Hindsight is wonderful isn't it?

And yes it is a normal risk when there is a literal worldwide "pandemic". Sick people go to hospitals you are going to be at an elevated risk????

Jesus why don’t you lot give it a rest? Go and bore a different thread you have absolutely no interest in. You just can’t bear to see anything neutral posted can you…’s a compulsion :D

Mummy stop the bad man having a different opinion to me, I love my echo chamber where everyone churns out the same answer.

"BBC misrepresented covid risk to boost lockdown support"

We were lied to people, wonder if they lied about anything else whilst world leaders partied in Cornwall and nhs staff did tik tock videos?

In fairness most people showed themselves to act like cattle during the pandemic so no wonder they were herded like cattle. :D
In fairness most people showed themselves to act like cattle during the pandemic so no wonder they were herded like cattle. :D

This is the problem with you and them - there is a time to go along with the herding and there are times when not to, and you show as little understanding of when not to as the people who've allowed themselves to be herded like cattle.

This is the importance of threads like this, in theory, to try and understand what is going on and what does and doesn't make sense.

Which then leads to:

Mummy stop the bad man having a different opinion to me, I love my echo chamber where everyone churns out the same answer.

Having a different opinion is largely meaningless when it requires ignoring significant parts of reality, it is another thing again to challenge people's beliefs or to be a little contrarian playing devil's advocate, etc.
This is the problem with you and them - there is a time to go along with the herding and there are times when not to, and you show as little understanding of when not to as the people who've allowed themselves to be herded like cattle.

This is the importance of threads like this, in theory, to try and understand what is going on and what does and doesn't make sense.

Which then leads to:

Having a different opinion is largely meaningless when it requires ignoring significant parts of reality, it is another thing again to challenge people's beliefs or to be a little contrarian playing devil's advocate, etc.

No, I fully agree there are times to be herded and times there are not. We all collectively agree this every day in our adherence to societal rules, regulations etc

Covid however was different and all proportionality was lost and people started proposing and implementing ridiculous schemes which people latched onto and dragged everyone else down like crabs in a bucket. Lets not pretend there was not a huge amount of hysteria and an overreaction, especially once the virus was understood better.

There was no alternative voice during covid, it was either the governments way (even though we see their track record) or you were a lunatic. And people went lockstep with it and were happy with their rights being eroded far between what was necessary. And this is without even going into the craziness of the vaccines "for your own good".

The reality is we will never know what another approach would have had on the functioning of society if we had been brave enough to have had the conversation at different points in the covid saga. But I'm pretty sure more oversight, balance and challenge to the status pro would have had a better outcome than the headache which has been left on society now.....

Unless you think people and society has returned to like it was before ;).

You are going to have to try harder than that :cry: although it does prove my point.

Your point makes no sense. This thread and its topic dominated all of our lives whether we wanted it to or not. In my opinion it normalised an invasion of privacy and rights beyond anything and I think has set a precedent which will manifest itself in multiple ways in the years to come.
Another example of legacy sources of authority pouring their authority away. Scientists, new media, legacy media and politicians/civil service they all rallied around things that even the science didn't support. Whilst the COVID inquiry is at great expense providing reality TV. Drip drip of actual commentary on the COVID response shows rather unseemly way public policy was made with no reference to integrity or logic and the dogma used as a happy means to crush dissenters.

I know lockdown is deeply popular but no one in authority is doing meaningful assessment of the balance of risks and benefits so future policy will be flawed because we lack genuine debate.
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Well apart from the whole thing that LC was showing up long before the vaccine was given, and there are people who have never had the vaccine but have had covid and have now got LC.

Not to mention Covid certainly not alone in being a virus that gives long term issues, we know IIRC Polio, Measles, Herpes, etc all have very specific long term issues associated in them, and for decades there have been people ending up with long term problems after all sorts of other viruses including some that have no vaccine.
I'd wager post viral fatigue was showing up prior to the mass inoculation, but doubt the current long covid phenomenon was. The first vaccine was end of 2020 was it not? Long Covid by definition has much longer legs than that.
But I'm pretty sure more oversight, balance and challenge to the status pro would have had a better outcome than the headache which has been left on society now.....

It’s better to have an imperfect plan than no coherent plan at all. We lacked enough empirical evidence to make truly informed decisions. It was better to pick a clear direction as a country and stick with it. Even Boris Johnson understood that.
I can't find it now, but watched an interesting video about Bats and how they can cope with incredibly high viral loads (something silly like 100x more than any other mammal) and don't seem to get ill from them, but that's why they seem to spread diseases, as they're not affected by the virus they're infected with. This is why they're such a good vector for transmission, as they can spread a virus, without it killing the host, but supercharged with such high viral loads that it means other mammals catch it very very easily.

I wish I could find it but if I do I'll edit my post.

It's sort of related to whole covid fiasco since that's what they were talking about it spreading initially if I remember correctly.
It’s better to have an imperfect plan than no coherent plan at all. We lacked enough empirical evidence to make truly informed decisions. It was better to pick a clear direction as a country and stick with it. Even Boris Johnson understood that.

No I'm sorry but that's not what happened.

1) initially yes there were crazy reports coming out of China. Governments were cautious people with any sense were cautious.

2) we started understanding it a bit better than and started getting even fiercer even when the original predictions of mass deaths faded quickly...

The curtailing of liberties and rights is not acceptable just because there is a lack of evidence???
No I'm sorry but that's not what happened.

1) initially yes there were crazy reports coming out of China. Governments were cautious people with any sense were cautious.

2) we started understanding it a bit better than and started getting even fiercer even when the original predictions of mass deaths faded quickly...

The curtailing of liberties and rights is not acceptable just because there is a lack of evidence???

Lockdowns worked. They reduced the R-value of COVID at times when it was in danger of overwhelming the NHS. We had some very close calls to completely running out of capacity and if capacity had been breached then many more relatively healthy people would have died. You can debate the timing and length of the lockdowns but lockdowns worked.

There’s plenty of people whose argument against lockdowns seems to boil down to the fact that the death toll wasn’t as high as predicted. What they don’t seem to be able to grasp is that it was measures like lockdowns and the development of a vaccine that stopped these higher predictions. It’s akin to the people who claim that the Millennium Bug was a hoax because there weren’t any major issues when the clock stuck midnight - completely ignorant of all of the time, money and effort that went into mitigating a disaster.
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