COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Link to verify 50 million people in this country got jabbed

So far, more than 52 million people have had a first vaccine dose - some 92% of over-12s. More than 49 million - 85% of over-12s - have had both doses.
While uptake of first and second doses dropped off late last year, there was a steep rise in people having boosters. However, booster numbers dipped over the Christmas holiday period and remain low.
More than 38 million booster doses have been administered across the UK so far.

These stats have been public from the government for a long time btw.
Medical treatment is a classic trolley problem. How many people is it morally justifiable to kill to save a much larger group?

Knowing that hundreds of thousands have been saved is no consolation to the families of the 72 who died.

However, the COVID vaccine is remarkable safe compared to most other medical treatments. For example, 1600 women have been killed by the contraceptive pill in this country. Over-the-counter painkillers kill 2000 per year. 72 deaths for a vaccine that was given to 50+ million people is remarkable.
Meanwhile about covid itself...

I've noticed from quite a few interviews the professors seem to understand the mechanisms now, and the focus is moving to biomarkers, trials, and hopefully treatments.
Meanwhile about covid itself...

I've noticed from quite a few interviews the professors seem to understand the mechanisms now, and the focus is moving to biomarkers, trials, and hopefully treatments.
Yes, and it seems to have pushed research into other diseases a bit which is good. Looks like I might be going on a monoclonal antibody cancer drug soon, which renders the vaccine ineffective apparently, so I'll have no protection and no immune system lol. Roll the dice I suppose. :D
Be interested in what went on the death cert for that poor chap?

Presumably he wasn't vaccinated as that would have prevented covid and it would just have been the multiple injuries that killed him?

The Death Certificate should say that catching Covid on top of his traumatic injuries was the cause of death.
No idea if he was vaccinated.

My Dad caught Covid in hospital and a few days later died but Covid definitely didn't kill him.

Abit like the anecdote at the time of people getting knocked over by a bus and going on the covid death statistics

I'm glad you said anecdote because that's all they were.

and is this maschio just a troll, that's some heavy weirdness going on?
I had all the 'childhood' illnesses at school in the nineteen sixties. However I have a memory that I was vaccinated for measles. I had measles, mumps and chickenpox all in a short few years. Contracting any of these as an adult from your child can lead to serious complications like shingles or infertility in men with mumps all the way to death in some cases for both adults and children. I know that I was taken out to Africa when young and I have records of yellow fever and smallpox inoculations. Other records are missing but I do know that my parents were keen vaccinators so I expect we were done for them all.

I'm not sure there was a chickenpox vaccine back then. When anyone got chickenpox when I was a nipper all the parents rushed their kids there to catch it. I had the normal childhood vaccines, so tetanus, measles ands polio.

When I was a kid - if one of the local kids got measles or chickenpox then it was all round to theirs so we could catch it as well. It was the done thing back in the day to get it over with and get some immunity.

Mind you we spent all summer outdoors as well - not locked in our bedrooms in case the bogey man got us.

I don't think parents were rushing kids to catch the measles, that can be a very serious disease even for children. We were vaccinated against that (early 1970s)
Yes, and it seems to have pushed research into other diseases a bit which is good. Looks like I might be going on a monoclonal antibody cancer drug soon, which renders the vaccine ineffective apparently, so I'll have no protection and no immune system lol. Roll the dice I suppose. :D
There was an experiment with mice that shut down the immune system and when they tried to infect them with covid they were immune!

Covid attaches itself to the ACE2 immune receptors.
I know that I was taken out to Africa when young and I have records of yellow fever and smallpox inoculations.

I had six different injections in 1974 going to Nigeria and it was the (Nigerian) law, if you didn't have them done you couldn't get in.
Around 1979 my parents paid for my future wife to go out and she was short of one injection.
We had to go to Liverpool one day before we flew to get her last vaccination.
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My wife has been on that for 8 years, it only kills naive CD20 B-cells but leaves Memory B-cells and CD4 and CD8 T-Cells intact, so as long as you have had your vaccinations before you start and in the past, you should mount a reasonable immune response to any Covid exposure.
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Probably excessive tiktok dancing that caused that.. Guess being the "hero" only goes so far til it actually means a sacrifice.

Just lol at working in hospital and expecting that you're not going to catch an infectious disease plaguing the world.

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Probably excessive tiktok dancing that caused that.. Guess being the "hero" only goes so far til it actually means a sacrifice.

Just lol at working in hospital and expecting that you're not going to catch an infectious disease plaguing the world.

You work in a hospital around infections, you expect your employer to do what is normally required by law, take the necessary steps to try and protect you by providing the proper equipment.

You might as well say "well you work around asbestos, you should expect asbestosis", completely ignoring the fact there are very specific measures that will offer good protection against it.

If you think that the sort of things they are off work with are a "normal" risk in a hospital you are something else.
Probably excessive tiktok dancing that caused that.. Guess being the "hero" only goes so far til it actually means a sacrifice.

Just lol at working in hospital and expecting that you're not going to catch an infectious disease plaguing the world.


Jesus why don’t you lot give it a rest? Go and bore a different thread you have absolutely no interest in. You just can’t bear to see anything neutral posted can you…’s a compulsion :D
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