Well dodging covid for 4 years, I got it last month. Vaccinated, I suspect I picked it up from a visit to A&E.
Textbook symptoms. One evening (Thursday night) I thought I strained my neck, just aching, simply thought I had slept funny.
Friday my aches had gone. The following Sunday I woke up with a sore throat (thought I had a cold coming). I went to bed fine, but woke up with a strombolian headache, like a bad hangover - the type when you don't want to drink anything as you'll barf. Paracetamol wouldn't touch - lasted 36 hours but eased. Then I went through a cycle of nasty sore throat and cough. Taste, okay apart from I couldn't taste mint in toothpaste!
The lingering cough has gone now, and I feel back to my normal self.
Sore throats, forget sweets, gargle salt water it's so much better for soothing a sore throat.