COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Same for me 4 times while others were dying or seriously ill in our hospital AND STILL ARE.
I feel so good for you making the most idiotic comment ever.

I don't get it tbh, I've had it 3 times total and never been that ill. Guess it's just random luck. It mustn't be killing off as many people though these days...
I don't get it tbh, I've had it 3 times total and never been that ill. Guess it's just random luck. It mustn't be killing off as many people though these days...

It's very simple, viruses (any) affect different people in different ways, your partner could get the flu and have certain systems while you get nothing and someone else dies.
I really don't know what you find hard to understand unless you think every human has exactly the same symptoms when they catch a virus?
And Covid isn't killing as many now because it's evolved that way.
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Potentially the first biomarker as been discovered.

The paper hasn't been peer reviewed yet. But I'm hoping we're at the first step in the journey out of this nightmare.

I don't get it tbh, I've had it 3 times total and never been that ill. Guess it's just random luck. It mustn't be killing off as many people though these days...

It varies a lot - we've had people at work hit hard by it and the other extreme one of my colleagues just had it and aside from one night with a little fever and developed a persistent cough they've had no other symptoms.

Weirdly at the moment it is mostly quiet on the COVID front, even taking into account people not testing much these days, but then here and there people come down with it seeming out of the blue.

Interestingly one of my colleagues was recently told due to her immune system condition she is a carrier for a few things including Chickenpox and COVID without developing symptoms herself, which is a bit worrying.
Tested positive today. Feel like crap fever, sweating, chills, headache and general aches. No cough but nose is congested but not running just a bunged up feeling.

Did not have vaccines due to other health issues but have had Covid before.

It’s certainly not a nice illness that’s for sure.
Ditto for me last week. 3rd time and the worst with more of a flu feeling. Previously it felt like slight cold. Took about 3 days to get over the worst. It’s certainly doing the rounds in Chesterfield.
Gone around my brother's workplace again - the source of it when my family got it before. Seems he picked it up but had pretty much no symptoms other than feeling a bit dizzy one morning and a slight cough and doesn't seem to have spread it to the rest of us. Where he works people do a lot of travelling so seems to be where it is coming from.
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I wish that was the case but Covid proved that even the fit & healthy were at risk.
I personally lost 3x friends/acquaintances who you'd class as fit & healthy.

That would be very bad advice. Being fit and healthy is no defence against covid. Wasn't true in the bad days and certainly isn't true now.
Shameful posts tbh. Being fit and healthy doesn't improve ones chances against covid? Is that the statement we are going with now?
Well dodging covid for 4 years, I got it last month. Vaccinated, I suspect I picked it up from a visit to A&E.

Textbook symptoms. One evening (Thursday night) I thought I strained my neck, just aching, simply thought I had slept funny.

Friday my aches had gone. The following Sunday I woke up with a sore throat (thought I had a cold coming). I went to bed fine, but woke up with a strombolian headache, like a bad hangover - the type when you don't want to drink anything as you'll barf. Paracetamol wouldn't touch - lasted 36 hours but eased. Then I went through a cycle of nasty sore throat and cough. Taste, okay apart from I couldn't taste mint in toothpaste!

The lingering cough has gone now, and I feel back to my normal self.

Sore throats, forget sweets, gargle salt water it's so much better for soothing a sore throat.
Hardly shameful if it’s a fact. But carry on. I won’t stop you getting all hysterical in face of facts.

Surely you can appreciate that being healthy gives you more of a chance to reduce more serious impacts. The stats speaks for themselves. Co-morbidities and obese people were the hardest hit... Sure some healthy people were affected, but the exception that proves the point.
Regarding physical activity levels, there is a half decent chance that resuming (or not stopping) demanding physical exercise for a while after having COVID may trigger long covid symptoms, so that'd be something to watch out for at the very least.
Surely you can appreciate that being healthy gives you more of a chance to reduce more serious impacts. The stats speaks for themselves. Co-morbidities and obese people were the hardest hit... Sure some healthy people were affected, but the exception that proves the point.

It isn't a magic bullet though, and loads of people are suffering from long COVID who were previously extremely fit and healthy. At times people are pushing it as if it overrides other concerns.
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