Craig Charles the Crack Addict?

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8 Aug 2004
M0T said:
According to the latest story from the Mirror it was the driver who gave them the story.

The Mirror said:
Richard said he regards Charles as a friend and fears his drug fixation will eventually kill him.

He added: "I'm speaking out now because Craig is in such a bad way and needs help.

"I am worried for him. He is ignoring his responsibilities as a father and husband. I am worried he could kill himself if he continues taking so much crack.

How bloody thoughtful of him, really.
29 Jun 2004
Rainham, Kent
your lovely crack-addict stereotype doesn't seem to fit the man who's capable of acting on screen and living a life with a wife and child.

The fact that he's running off at the weekend to a bolt hole, just so he can smoke crack doesn't inspire me with a lot of confidence for the future of his marriage and family. I hope he gets himself sorted out, and it's a pity the paper couldn't have worked with him constructively rather than slashing those headlines, but I'm slightly surprised by the amount of support on this forum for hard drug taking...
I've seen old friends of mine, who used various drugs to excess, develop serious psychological problems as a result, to the extent of being sectioned in one case. Not to mention my ex's cousin who was a long term addict, and eventually committed suicide as a result of his addiction. All of these people thought that they could handle it, and that it was 'their choice'......
3 Mar 2003
London ;()!
Like everything, moderation is key.

In uni I did a little Cannabis. - I had a laugh, it added a small amount to my songwriting (and appreciation for music). After a while it just made me tired and didn't do much for me, and I stopped. I also had a friend who smoked every day - by the end of uni he was walking around in trainers that had lumps missing (you could see his toes) and he could barely care enough to light the next spliff - a complete burnout.

I also enjoy a drink with mates. I don't drink for the sake of it, I tend not to drink with a meal, and generally don't buy booze to have in the house. But once or twice a week, I go out with friends and have a few, have a laugh, and don't make myself feel sick.

My Dad's an alcoholic.

See what I mean?
11 Jun 2003
wozzizname said:
The fact that he's running off at the weekend to a bolt hole, just so he can smoke crack doesn't inspire me with a lot of confidence for the future of his marriage and family. I hope he gets himself sorted out, and it's a pity the paper couldn't have worked with him constructively rather than slashing those headlines, but I'm slightly surprised by the amount of support on this forum for hard drug taking...
I've seen old friends of mine, who used various drugs to excess, develop serious psychological problems as a result, to the extent of being sectioned in one case. Not to mention my ex's cousin who was a long term addict, and eventually committed suicide as a result of his addiction. All of these people thought that they could handle it, and that it was 'their choice'......

I'm pro-choice, and people who take drugs to excess, and become addicted, more often than not do so for a reason. I've done a lot of crap in my life, some of which makes me fit in to your stereotyping. Please don't lecture to me about this when you've not been there yourself. There is ALWAYS choice, and ALWAYS control. When there isn't, maybe the drug isn't the root of the problem.

Ant :cool:
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