
11 Jul 2011
North Notts

I already have 4gb corsair dominator 1600 and i just bought corsair xms3 4gb 1600 the timings are the same 9-9-9-24 but i just get system crashes after 2mins of booting.

Ive seen the dominator is bought new for about £67 so should i sell this and get another 4gb xms3 or is there any other solution, thanks in advance
What is the full spec of your system and is it overclocked?

Also you will need to run all 4 sticks at the timings of your lowest set - in your case 9, 9, 9, 26 Command rate 2T.

Max voltage for both is 1.65V but if you're using a SB setup this ideally should be sub 1.58V.

Also, have you got the respective pairs in the their respective dual slots on the MB?

Could you put up an image of the cpuz memory tab?
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Hey thanks for the reply.

AMD Phenom 965 black 3.4ghz
800W Quiet Quad Rail PSU
ATI Rad 5850 1gb
Intel 320 80gb SSD
Windows 7 Home 64

No it's not overclocked at the moment. Yeah i have them side by side 2-2

How do i run both sticks at lowest timings?
SB setup is?

pic is with all 4 sticks plugged in
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Well the problem isn't going to be through your timings as they are very slack @ 11-11-11-30 and 2T. You may want to check your DRAM voltage is set at the correct input.

As you're running an AMD setup (SB stood for sandybridge) the memory controller is on the motherboard. I'm not familiar with AMD systems but the first point of call with instability issues with all DIMM slots populated is to up the MCH voltage by an increment or two (Northbridge).

I would advise you find this setting in your BIOS and up it a couple increments and test for stability.

If it does become stable i would then look at setting your memory timings up correctly - i'll talk you through this once you've tested to see if the MCH tweak has any effect.
Ok i have in bios Northbrigdge Config > Dram Config >

Bank interleaving - auto
enable clock to all dimms - disabled
memory hole remap - enabled
dct unganged - always
bank swizzle - enabled
memclk tristate c3 - disabled.

couldn't find a mch voltage will it be in the overclock menu?
I'm in the process of overclocking, will that help?

Hehe, no not all. Infact it will complicate matters considerably.

Whenever you're troubleshooting stability issues you need the computer at stock settings - so you know that the problem is 'not' due to an unstable clock.

Ideally, you would now load optimised defaults save and exit.

Then, setup the memory and up the 'NB voltages' (MCH) by a couple of increments and then test.
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ok it works now, thanks :)

edit: crashed just now when i finished windows updates(just formatted), so removed 4gb so see if it happens again
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As mentioned before i'm not familiar with AMD setups but from the bits i've read you should only be pushing the NB. I think the 'NB 1.8 Voltage' comes into play when attempting to stabilise high HT bus clocks(?).(someone jump in and correct me if i'm wrong.).

What is the NB voltage reading now - you may have room to bump it up some more?
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I keep getting blue screens when bumping it up and crashes when not, ive ran a memtest but it also crashed at 71% don't know if it was due to the crash or the memory test failed.

Should i change "CPU/NB Voltage" too?

Do not touch the memory voltage correct?

Thinking about buying another 4gb xms3 to sort all this hassle.
The xms3 i have just purchased is 1.65v specifically designed for i5 and i7 processors. is that why im having these problems to run with my dominator 1.5?

Should i not use this 1.65 ram at all?
The xms3 i have just purchased is 1.65v specifically designed for i5 and i7 processors. is that why im having these problems to run with my dominator 1.5?

Should i not use this 1.65 ram at all?

The XMS3 should be capable of running at 1.5V - test them on their own for a while and see. And they should work in an AMD setup - if you look at the reviews for them at OcUK you'll see that plenty of people have intsalled them into modern AMD rigs.

However, you do seem to be struggling to get the dominators and XMS3 to play nicely together (usually it's not an issue a long as you adjust the timings to the slower set etc - but you do get the odd exception or fussy MB).

Could you list what you have done to date just to clarify things:

i.e. the timings, command rate, frequency and voltages that you're experimenting with?
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Thanks for the replys

How do I change voltage etc on the xms3?

edit: ive found it ill have a look
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Ive changed the timings and command rate to the highest on all 4 sticks but no change it still freezes :(. what voltages do i need to change? to go with that?
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