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** CRAZY 5700 XT DEALS FROM JUST £349 Inc. VAT !!! **

I went for the Red Dragon personally, can't wait to try out when it arrives tomorrow :)

Now the next step will be to sell my Vega 64 LC Edition, wondering how much I will be able to get for it.
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Do people still buy cards with those terrible coolers on (First listing)? Surely not. The ref cards are always so hot and look like ass, I am guessing many people get them to put a waterblock on them and strip them down, that makes sense but buying them to use as is, nah lol
I take it you're entirely unaware that the 5700 XT reference cooler is not that bad..."lol"
I never said anything to the contrary, but right now AMD are simply playing in the sand pit that Nvidia built. Do you really expect AMD to charge pennies for their cards when their competitor has skewed the market? You're naive if you say "yes".

Do you still expect me to buy their overpriced cards (AMD), if your answer is "yes", then you're naive.
Do you still expect me to buy their overpriced cards (AMD), if your answer is "yes", then you're naive.
I don't expect you to do anything. Buy or not, it's your wallet. But I'd also expect some modicum of thought process before you started flapping your gums about "greedy AMD". Not quite sure why you're so defensive because I posted a counter point, especially when you're wrong about the 5700 XT's intended price point :rolleyes:
I don't expect you to do anything. Buy or not, it's your wallet. But I'd also expect some modicum of thought process before you started flapping your gums about "greedy AMD". Not quite sure why you're so defensive because I posted a counter point, especially when you're wrong about the 5700 XT's intended price point :rolleyes:

Eh, because they are greedy (AMD) with the pricing they've set. Same could apply to yourself, don't know why you're so defensive of a company that don't give a **** about you.

The only thing i care about as a consumer is price and value for money. That's it. I don't care who makes the card. Why should i. AMD and Nvidia are offering **** for what i'm prepared to pay.

Anyway, hopefully things will start to look up next year when Intel get in on the dGPU market. And before you jump down my throat, no, i'm not routing for them either. Just glad some more competition will be available in the GPU space. It's desperately needed.

It'll end the duopoly by AMD/Nvidia and that's fine by me.
...because they are greedy (AMD) with the pricing they've set. Same could apply to yourself, don't know why you're so defensive of a company that don't give a **** about you.
You need to stop using "greed", you're just looking simple-minded. But yet I fail to see how correcting your fallacy is somehow defending AMD :rolleyes: You come to a pricing thread, post "it's all overpriced **** and AMD are greedy because this is just a 690" and expect not to be called out when you're kinda wrong? If you had no interest in buying a card why did you bother posting at all? Do you do this in real life, or is it just the safety of your keyboard grants you the confidence to ****post and offer nothing?

...hopefully things will start to look up next year when Intel get in on the dGPU market...It'll end the duopoly by AMD/Nvidia and that's fine by me.
I look forward to you comments about Intel being greedy when they also match current pricing trends. If you think Intel of all companies will come in and try to undercut their competition then you need your head read; if anybody is going to jack up prices of underpowered ******** hardware it's Intel.
You need to stop using "greed", you're just looking simple-minded. But yet I fail to see how correcting your fallacy is somehow defending AMD :rolleyes: You come to a pricing thread, post "it's all overpriced **** and AMD are greedy because this is just a 690" and expect not to be called out when you're kinda wrong? If you had no interest in buying a card why did you bother posting at all? Do you do this in real life, or is it just the safety of your keyboard grants you the confidence to ****post and offer nothing?

Listen, if you think the current pricing is ok for the 5700XT, you're either brain-dead or brain-washed. Pick one.
A large element of the current pricing is sellers increasing the price due to limited supply or increasing demand, otherwise why would the Strix have gone up £20 and the Red Devil up £30 since Gibbos post!

/Edit the Red Devil is now £469.99 on OcUK, yet it is less in Euro elsewhere (Eur465 = £413,). That isn't AMD, that's the reseller.
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