Crazy overnight deal on Samsung 840 EVO 250GB Drives

Something something free delivery something haribo something more than makes up for £12.

This is what you need to be saying when they whine about your deals ;):p
Something something free delivery something haribo something more than makes up for £12.

This is what you need to be saying when they whine about your deals ;):p

Free delivery is elsewhere too you know, and postage on one of these is hardly expensive even if it wasn't.
It's a deal, it's a steal, it's sale of know the rest ;)

Looks like the new boy is getting a harsh lesson on thread making haha, at least we know he won't make this mistake again :)
Sorry guys I am working on some better deals and maybe the title was a little crazy. I will come back with some stronger deals for you shortly. It's still a good SSD to be buying. Will take all your comments on board.
What a bunch of *****, I'm sure you were all amazing at your job when you first started that the sun shined out of your ass and world peace was achieved.

Give the guy a break, it's going to take anyone a while to settle in and strike up relationships with suppliers to get better deals.
What a bunch of *****, I'm sure you were all amazing at your job when you first started that the sun shined out of your ass and world peace was achieved.

Give the guy a break, it's going to take anyone a while to settle in and strike up relationships with suppliers to get better deals.

Somewhat agree.
We're used to well established buyers, and thus it's going to take anyone just starting time.

And isn't Moore higher in the distribution chain now?
Somewhat agree.
We're used to well established buyers, and thus it's going to take anyone just starting time.
I agree as well. I myself started a new job last October, and it ain't easy unless there are already existing connections established for you to just take over, look after and build on it. Building new relationships from scratch takes far more time and effort, and would take a while before good deals would come through. But lucky for abarrass (I guess) that with OcUK's buying power, it would probably help making his job (a little) easier....but of course if the retail pricing is not bargain enough, stock would may be a little difficult to shift.

Anyway, I guess abarrass would at least learned from this thread and will pick his wording of choice a little bit more careful next time :)

Didn't post on the other thread, but welcome aboard OcUK abarrass :D
While I agree that the deal isn't exactly great, I don't think there is a need to pick on Anthony quite so much. As said he's new and he's learning.

I have no problem with people saying the deal isn't great and Overclockers track sales and can easily see if a promotion has the right effect.

A Samsung ssd price promotion is a tricky one as some of OCs competitors have a price advantage, so I wouldn't try and win on it. Instead if you wanted to do an SSD promotion pick one you can win at, maybe talking to crucial and seeing about an other clearance deal on old stock, or Seagate since OC haven't stocked there 600 series ssd range.

I think an interesting promotion might be a storage pack offer, with say an HDD and SDD combo, to that end I think Seagate might be an option and as said earlier since you haven't stocked there ssd range you might be able to get an interesting price point on a combo deal.

Lots of interesting options out there.
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