Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina - Animated D'&'D on Amazon - Now on Season 3

The smiley face does make that a mixed message but people are entitled to their own opinions.

I'm just still stuck on the "It sounds too professional vs the Livetsream" issue which annoyingly keeps dragging me back to the far longer livestreams, although I can easily see why people who are just Cartoon viewers are really enjoying it. However condensing the dozens of hours of Chroma Convclave content down to just 3-4 hours of cartoon does mean that the story has had to leave out some really cool backstory to certain events which now only Livestreamers will know about.
I can't watch dnd being played by others. Find it so dull. I love playing myself. But watching isn't for me
I can agree when I gave a few other streamers a try, but the Critical Role lot are hella entertaining, I've watched the first 30 episodes of Campaign 3 and have enjoyed it SO much.
Finished season 2, overall it's been good but you can see where the time-restraints have meant taking what were amazing moments in the Live Show (Grog and the end of his Uncle, Scanlan and the end of Umbrasyl) and having them last <30 seconds in the TV show which definitely has had a negative effect for me as a Live Show viewer, whilst TV-Only viewers won't know the difference and will enjoy it anyway.

Still, looking foreward to Season 3 anyway but I'm more excited by the neew Mighty Nein show.
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I can agree when I gave a few other streamers a try, but the Critical Role lot are hella entertaining, I've watched the first 30 episodes of Campaign 3 and have enjoyed it SO much.

Is too much content for me. Gf watches it and sometimes I hear it but it's too much time.
I usually play DnD twice a week. That's enough! :D

Desperate to find long campaign to play my new hilarious character
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I suppose its because The Mighty Nein got me into CR first so, whilst I'm really looking forward to finishing off the VM arc, I think I'm more excited for the start of the MN arc.
I thought it was a little "odd" because the game at the table 100% shies away from that level of visible "raunch" (usually the old fashioned "screen fades to black" + insinuation). So for the actors to make the decision to go far beyond what they did in-game and put "those noises" out in the world strikes me as a little strange, as in that level of titillation isn't really required by the fanbase, but thats their decision I guess. Must have been an awkward recording session considering some of the cast are married to each other IRL but acting out the audio for sex scenes with their friends :D
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Acting is quite different to actually roleplaying. Roleplaying sexual encounters in tabletop rpgs feels so flipping weird, let alone doing it live on the internet. I think doing something like that scripted and rehearsed properly beforehand is quite different and a normal part of acting, voice only or not.
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