I've only just come across this forum. First of all, my deepest sympathy to anyone suffering from Crohns or UC. I hope that Moogleys is recovering well.
I won't bore everyone with my full story but UC hit me out the blue 4 years ago, I've always been fussy with my food, have no family history of UC, have never smoked (although apparently some say smokers are less likely to get it) and only really drank alcohol in my uni days. I've been really suffering with it for a long time. I don't get any stomach pain or bloating but my colon has acute pan colitis. I've tried pretty much everything apart from the SCD diet. I've narrowly avoided surgery but even when I was far better than I am now my consultant pretty much tried to pressurise me into removing my entire colon. I totally appreciate that some sufferers prefer this but the thought of this type of surgery petrifies me (unless it was a matter of life and death, I cannot imagine consenting to having it done).
I couldn't get on with Azathioprine or Mercaptopurine at all, both totally knocked me out within hours of taking one tablet. Methotrexate hasn't had any side effects but I'm not convinced it made any difference. I'm fine on prednisolone (which is bizarre really as many sufferers cannot get on with it at all) but it's nowhere near as effective as it was at first. Infliximab didn't make much difference. I am supposed to be trying Vedolizimab soon but I don't hold out high hopes. I was interested to read about Beclometasone and Budesonide on this forum - I haven't heard of these before, maybe I should try them.
I tried a gluten-free diet last year and at first, it seemed to help but after a while it didn't seem to make any difference so perhaps unwisely, I reverted back to my usual diet with the exception of coffee, alcohol and steak which I have completely cut out for the last 2 years.
I have read a fair bit about faecal capsules and faecal implants but there isn't much information about this in the UK and it sounds as though very little is known about potential side effects and the chances of success.
I've spent most of the weekend researching the SCD Diet and to be honest, I'm kicking myself that I haven't tried it before. Of course it may not work but there is a lot of logic in it from what I've read so far re: starving the colon of the carbs that cause the immune system to attack and the diet doesn't sound impossible to stick to. I'd be very interested to hear fellow sufferers thoughts on colon removal (as I say, for me it's an absolute life of death last resort - I've had very minor non UC related surgery before and that brought on complications so a massive op like colon removal scares me to death!) and also if anyone has tried the SCD Diet. I'm definitely going to start the diet ASAP.